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DzHTMLText 2.0

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@digao-dalpiaz digao-dalpiaz released this 30 Jul 00:50
· 365 commits to master since this release
  • 07/27/2020 (Version 2.0)

    • Refactoring in all the methods that process the tokens.

    • Improvement in the use of memory keeping in the objects that are used for visual construction only the necessary properties. For that, the internal properties were moved to new classes.

    • Implemented full alignment support when using tab tags.

    • Fixed multiple space strange behavior on line break.

    • Fixed when there was only one word on the line and the limit was less than it, which caused the word to skip the line.

    • New tag <float>, allowing you to create floating panels with content in free positions. πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

    • Implemented class functions to Escape and Unescape HTML text.

    • Included & (&amp;) unescape in internal reading of HTML text.

    • New tag <spoiler> and <sdetail>, creating closed/expanded div. πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

    • TDHLinkData removed and link events signature changed!!! It is necessary to adjust the implemented methods for compatibility. ⚠️


      • property SelectedLinkID
      • function GetLinkData
      • function GetSelected

      Please, use new GetSelectedLink property and LinkRefs list (there is no longer the concept of link ID!).