Django forms are easily rendered as tables, paragraphs, and unordered lists. However, elegantly rendered div based forms is something you have to do by hand. The purpose of this application is to provide a simple tag and/or filter that lets you quickly render forms in a div format.
Uni-form has been selected as the base model for the design of the forms.
Warning: django-uni-form 0.8 and higher renders django.form.field labels with the 'safe' filter. If you have user generated form field labels you should take this into consideration.
Note: django-uni-form 0.8 and higher lays out the HTML for the uni_form tag differently than previous versions. The errorMsg div is now outside the fieldset as it should be.
Note: django-uni-form 0.7 and higher breaks backwards compatibility with previous versions of django-uni-form. All you have to do is update templates that call on the django-uni-form template tag from:
{% load uni_form %}
{% load uni_form_tags %}
- JQuery 1.2.6
Install into your python path using pip or easy_install:
pip install django-uni-form easy_install django-uni-form
Add 'uni_form' to your INSTALLED_APPS in
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'uni_form', )
Depending on your setup, you may need to copy the media files to your local media folder:
cp -r <location-of-django-uni-form>/uni_form/media/uni_form/uni-form-generic.css <my-project>/media/uni_form/uni-form-generic.css cp -r <location-of-django-uni-form>/uni_form/media/uni_form/uni-form.css <my-project>/media/uni_form/uni-form.css cp -r <location-of-django-uni-form>/uni_form/media/uni_form/uni-form.jquery.js <my-project>/media/uni_form/uni-form.jquery.js
django-uni-form requires three media files. You can see how we call them by looking in the templates/includes.html file. You can call those files in several ways:
Manually by copying the HTML into your own templates:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}uni_form/uni-form-generic.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}uni_form/uni-form.css" type="text/css" /> <script src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}uni_form/uni-form.jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Also make sure you have a link to where you keep a copy of JQuery 1.2.6 (We are looking into updating this ASAP):
<script src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Via use of the Django includes built-in template tag.
{% include "uni_form/includes.html" %}
With some additional setup described below, via use of the django-uni-form uni_form_setup template tag.
{% uni_form_setup %}
If you want to take advantage of the uni_form_setup tag, then you'll need to make sure 'django.core.context_processors.request' is in the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS tuple in your file:
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'django.core.context_processors.request', )
If you don't like the use of '*' (asterisk) to denote required fields you can simply overrride the django-uni-form field.html. In your Django project's templates directory create a new directory called uni_form. Copy the django-uni-form field.html file to that directory and make the desired changes. For example:
cd ~/<my-projects>/<my-awesome-django-project>/templates/ mkdir uni_form cd uni_form/ cp <my-site-packages>/Django-uni-form/uni_form/templates/uni_form/field.html .
Now you could change the asterisk to any other character, an image icon, or whatever else you want.
django-uni-form implements form fields in html differently than the standard Uni-Form. If you want to adhere to the strict definition of django-uni-form relplace the field.html file with field.strict.html. You can just follow these instructions:
cd ~/<my-projects>/<my-awesome-django-project>/templates/ mkdir uni_form cd uni_form/ cp <my-site-packages>/Django-uni-form/uni_form/templates/field.strict.html field.html
{% load uni_form_tags %}
to the template that calls your form.Append your form call with the as_uni_form filter:
{{ my_form|as_uni_form }}
Or, to render a formset:
{{ my_formset|as_uni_form_set }}
Add the class of 'uniForm' to your form. Example:
<form action="" method="post" class="uniForm">
Refresh and enjoy!
In your add the following after field definitions:
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from uni_form.helpers import FormHelper, Submit, Reset from my_project.forms.MyForm def my_view(request): # Create the form form = MyForm() # create a formHelper helper = FormHelper() # Add in a class and id helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks' helper.form_class = 'search' # add in a submit and reset button submit = Submit('search','search this site') helper.add_input(submit) reset = Reset('reset','reset button') helper.add_input(reset) # create the response dictionary response_dictionary = {'form':form, 'helper': helper} return render_to_response('my_template.html', response_dictionary)
In your template do the following:
{% load uni_form_tags %} {% uni_form form helper %}
To render a formset, use the following instead:
{% uni_form_set formset helper %}
Note that
is currently not supported for formsets. If you provide a layout in the helper, it is applied to each subform separately.
In your form class add the following after field definitions:
from uni_form.helpers import FormHelper, Submit, Reset class MyForm(forms.Form): title = forms.CharField(label=_("Title"), max_length=30, widget=forms.TextInput()) # Attach a formHelper to your forms class. helper = FormHelper() # Add in a class and id helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks' helper.form_class = 'search' # add in a submit and reset button submit = Submit('search','search this site') helper.add_input(submit) reset = Reset('reset','reset button') helper.add_input(reset)
In your template do the following:
{% load uni_form_tags %} {% with form.helper as helper %} {% uni_form form helper %} {% endwith %}
To render repeated forms using Django's formsets and django-uni-form,
use the {% uni_form_set %}
template tag.
In your formset class add the following:
from uni_form.helpers import FormHelper, Submit, Reset MyFormset = forms.formsets.formset_factory(MyForm) # Attach a formHelper to your formset class. MyFormset.helper = FormHelper() # Add in a class and id helper.form_id = 'this-formset-rocks' helper.form_class = 'save-multiple' # add in a submit and reset button submit = Submit('save', 'Save these items') helper.add_input(submit) reset = Reset('reset', 'Reset the form') helper.add_input(reset)
In your template do the following:
{% load uni_form_tags %} {% with formset.helper as helper %} {% uni_form_set formset helper %} {% endwith %}
In your form class add the following after field definitions:
from uni_form.helpers import FormHelper, Submit class MyForm(forms.Form): title = forms.CharField(label=_("Title"), max_length=30, widget=forms.TextInput()) # Attach a formHelper to your forms class. helper = FormHelper() # Change the form and method helper.form_action = 'my-url-name-defined-in-url-conf' helper.form_method = 'GET' # Only GET and POST are legal # add in a submit and reset button submit = Submit('search','search this site') helper.add_input(submit)
In your template do the following:
{% load uni_form_tags %} {% with form.helper as helper %} {% uni_form form helper %} {% endwith %}
Uniform helpers can use layout objects. A layout can consist of fieldsets, rows, columns, HTML and fields. A simple Example:
from django import forms from uni_form.helpers import FormHelper, Submit, Reset from uni_form.helpers import Layout, Fieldset, Row, HTML class LayoutTestForm(forms.Form): is_company = forms.CharField(label="company", required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput()) email = forms.CharField(label="email", max_length=30, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput()) password1 = forms.CharField(label="password", max_length=30, required=True, widget=forms.PasswordInput()) password2 = forms.CharField(label="re-enter password", max_length=30, required=True, widget=forms.PasswordInput()) first_name = forms.CharField(label="first name", max_length=30, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput()) last_name = forms.CharField(label="last name", max_length=30, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput()) # Attach a formHelper to your forms class. helper = FormHelper() # Create some HTML that you want in the page. # Yes, in real life your CSS would be cached, but this is just a simple example. style = """ <style> .formRow { color: red; } </style> """ # create the layout object layout = Layout( # first fieldset shows the company Fieldset('', 'is_company'), # second fieldset shows the contact info Fieldset('Contact details', HTML(style), 'email', Row('password1','password2'), 'first_name', 'last_name', ) ) helper.add_layout(layout) submit = Submit('add','Add this contact') helper.add_input(submit)
Then, just like in the previous example, add the following to your template:
{% load uni_form_tags %} {% with form.helper as helper %} {% uni_form form helper %} {% endwith %}
This allows you to group fields in fieldsets, or rows or columns or add HTML between fields etc.
This method is also valid when using the {% uni_form_set %}
template tag. The layout is applied separately to each subform of the