This python module provides Zabbix monitoring support for Azure resources.
- Zabbix agent
- pip3
- azure-identity (installed automatically as dependency)
- azure-mgmt-monitor (installed automatically as dependency)
- azure-mgmt-resource (installed automatically as dependency)
- msal (installed automatically as dependency)
- msrest (installed automatically as dependency)
- pyOpenSSL (installed automatically as dependency)
- requests (installed automatically as dependency)
Creating and activating a VirtualEnv used for development and building new releases, activating said VirtualEnv and installing required dependencies.
mkdir -p ~/virtualenv
python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring
source ~/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/bin/activate
pip install -r python/requirements.txt
pip install coverage
pip install pycodestyle
Checking linter errors from source code (you should strive to fix these):
source ~/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/bin/activate
make checkstyle
- Update new version number to
- Commit version number change to git
- Run
cd ~/.virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/python
make clean
make dist
- Open explorer and pick up tar.gz file from python/dist folder
- Create a new release in Github and upload tar.gz for it; tag
with the version number
- Install the python module using pip.
pip3 install
Copy the Zabbix agent configuration to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent.d directory.
Restart the Zabbix agent.
Item Syntax | Description | Units |
---|---|---|[configuration_file] | Discover resources from Azure's services | {#RESOURCE} |
Item Syntax | Description | Units |
---|---|---|[configuration_file, resource] | Discover metrics from Azure's resources | {#METRIC_CATEGORY}, {#METRIC_NAME} |[configuration_file, resource, metric namespace] | Discover metrics from Azure's resources using metric namespace. | {#METRIC_CATEGORY}, {#METRIC_NAME} |
Item Syntax | Description | Units |
---|---|---|[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, dimension] | Discover dimensions from Azure's resources | {#DIMENSION} |[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, dimension, metric namespace] | Discover dimensions from Azure's resources using metric namespace | {#DIMENSION} |
Some examples of dimensions are:
- request/performanceBucket
- request/resultCode
- operation/synthetic
- cloud/roleInstance
- request/success
- cloud/roleName
- Read more about metric dimensions here:
Some examples of namespaces are:
- azure.applicationinsights
- insights.container/containers
- insights.container/nodes
- insights.container/pods
- insights.container/persistentvolumes
- Read more about metric namespaces here:
Item Syntax | Description | Units |
---|---|---|[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, dimension] | Discover roles from Azure's resources | {#ROLE_NAME} |
Item Syntax | Description | Units |
azure.metric[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.filter[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.instance[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "Instance" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.roleinstance[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "cloud/roleInstance" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.rolename[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "cloud/roleName" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.phase[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "phase" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.status[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "Status" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.namespace[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, namespace, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.namespace.controllername[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, controller name filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and a filter for "controllerName" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.namespace.phase[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, phase filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and a filter for "phase" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.namespace.status[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, status filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and a filter for "Status" dimension. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
azure.metric.namespace.filter[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, namespace filter, timeshift (optional)] | Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and filter. | Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc. |
- Filter parameter can be used to filter out using dimensions, e.g. "cloud/roleName eq '<role_name>'".
- Namespace parameter can be used to filter out using namespaces, e.g. "insights.container/nodes".
Item Syntax | Description | Response |
azure.application.insights[configuration_file, application ID, query] | Run Kusto query to Application Insights REST API | JSON |[configuration_file, workspace ID, query] | Run Kusto query to Log Analytics REST API | JSON |
- The first parameter should be the path to the configuration file.
- Application Insights queries need application ID as second parameter or a matching key to locate an ID from the configuration file. This can be obtained from "Azure Portal > Application Insights > API Access".
- Log Analytics queries need workspace ID as second parameter or a matching key to locate an ID from the configuration file. This can be obtained from "Azure Portal > Log Analytics workspace > Overview".
- The last parameter can either be a matching key to locate the query from the configuration file or the Kusto query itself.
Item Syntax | Description | Response |
azure.logic.apps[configuration_file, resource_group] | Discover Azure Logic App workflows | {#WORKFLOW_ID}, {#WORKFLOW_NAME} |
azure.logic.apps[configuration_file, resource_group, workflow_name] | Discover Azure Logic App workflow triggers | {#TRIGGER_ID}, {#TRIGGER_NAME} |
azure.logic.apps[configuration_file, resource_group, workflow_name, trigger_name ] | Discover Azure Logic App workflow trigger history | {#HISTORY_ID}, {#HISTORY_NAME}, {#HISTORY_STATUS} |
azure.metric.standard.succeed[configuration_file, resource_group, metric, statistic, timegrain, filter, status, (optional:timeshift)] | Logic Apps Standard workflow completed Runs/Triggers with given status | Count |
azure.metric.standard.other[configuration_file, resource_group, metric, statistic, timegrain, filter, status, (optional:timeshift)] | Logic Apps Standard workflow completed Runs/Triggers without given status | Count |
Item Syntax | Description | Response |
---|---|---|[configuration_file, resource_group, webapp_name] | Discover Web App Scale-Out Instances | {#MACHINE_NAME}, {#STATE}, {#STATUS_URL}, {#HEALTHCHECK_URL} |
"client_id": "<client_id>",
"subscription_id": "<subscription_id>",
"pemfile": "<path_to_pem_file>",
"tenant_id": "<tenant_id>",
"application_ids": {
"<application_key_1>": "<application_id_1>",
"<application_key_2>": "<application_id_2>",
"<application_key_3>": "<application_id_3>"
"workspace_ids": {
"<workspace_key_1>": "<workspace_id_1>",
"<workspace_key_2>": "<workspace_id_2>",
"<workspace_key_3>": "<workspace_id_3>"
"kusto_queries": {
"<kusto_query_key_1>": "<kusto_query_1>",
"<kusto_query_key_2>": "<kusto_query_2>",
"<kusto_query_key_3>": "<kusto_query_3>"
"resources": {
"<resource_key_1>": "<resource_path_1>",
"<resource_key_2>": "<resource_path_2>",
"<resource_key_3>": "<resource_path_3>"
azure_discover_resources <path_to_config_file>
azure_discover_metrics <path_to_config_file> <resource>
azure_discover_dimensions <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <dimension>
azure_discover_dimensions <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <dimension> --metric-namespace <metric_namespace>
azure_discover_roles <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <dimension>
azure_metric <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <statistic> <timegrain> --timeshift <timeshift>
Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum, Total
Value | Description |
PT1M | One minute |
PT5M | Five minutes |
PT1H | One hour |
PT3H | Three hours |
P1D | One day |
Timeshift argument expects the number of minutes to delay the query. In some cases the data is not available instantly so it's advisable to delay the data retrieval. A good starting point is to delay all metric queries for 5 minutes.
source /opt/digiaiiris/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/bin/activate
azure_query --id <application_ID_or_matching_key> application_insights <path_to_config_file> <kusto_query_or_matching_key>
azure_query --id <workspace_ID_or_matching_key> log_analytics <path_to_config_file> <kusto_query_or_matching_key>