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This python module provides Zabbix monitoring support for Azure resources.


  • Zabbix agent
  • pip3
  • azure-identity (installed automatically as dependency)
  • azure-mgmt-monitor (installed automatically as dependency)
  • azure-mgmt-resource (installed automatically as dependency)
  • msal (installed automatically as dependency)
  • msrest (installed automatically as dependency)
  • pyOpenSSL (installed automatically as dependency)
  • requests (installed automatically as dependency)

VirtualEnv for development and building packages

Creating and activating a VirtualEnv used for development and building new releases, activating said VirtualEnv and installing required dependencies.

mkdir -p ~/virtualenv
python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring
source ~/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/bin/activate
pip install -r python/requirements.txt
pip install coverage
pip install pycodestyle

Linter errors

Checking linter errors from source code (you should strive to fix these):

source ~/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/bin/activate
make checkstyle

Building a New Release

  • Update new version number to
  • Commit version number change to git
  • Run
cd ~/.virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/python
make clean
make dist
  • Open explorer and pick up tar.gz file from python/dist folder
  • Create a new release in Github and upload tar.gz for it; tag master with the version number


  1. Install the python module using pip.
pip3 install
  1. Copy the Zabbix agent configuration to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent.d directory.

  2. Restart the Zabbix agent.


Resource discovery

Item Syntax Description Units[configuration_file] Discover resources from Azure's services {#RESOURCE}

Metric discovery

Item Syntax Description Units[configuration_file, resource] Discover metrics from Azure's resources {#METRIC_CATEGORY}, {#METRIC_NAME}[configuration_file, resource, metric namespace] Discover metrics from Azure's resources using metric namespace. {#METRIC_CATEGORY}, {#METRIC_NAME}

Dimension discovery

Item Syntax Description Units[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, dimension] Discover dimensions from Azure's resources {#DIMENSION}[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, dimension, metric namespace] Discover dimensions from Azure's resources using metric namespace {#DIMENSION}

Some examples of dimensions are:

  • request/performanceBucket
  • request/resultCode
  • operation/synthetic
  • cloud/roleInstance
  • request/success
  • cloud/roleName

Some examples of namespaces are:

  • azure.applicationinsights
  • insights.container/containers
  • insights.container/nodes
  • insights.container/pods
  • insights.container/persistentvolumes

roleInstance and roleName discovery

Item Syntax Description Units[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, dimension] Discover roles from Azure's resources {#ROLE_NAME}

Azure metrics

Item Syntax Description Units
azure.metric[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.filter[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.instance[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "Instance" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.roleinstance[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "cloud/roleInstance" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.rolename[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "cloud/roleName" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.phase[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "phase" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.status[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a filter for "Status" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.namespace[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, timeshift, namespace, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.namespace.controllername[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, controller name filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and a filter for "controllerName" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.namespace.phase[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, phase filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and a filter for "phase" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.namespace.status[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, status filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and a filter for "Status" dimension. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
azure.metric.namespace.filter[configuration_file, resource, metric_category/metric_name, statistic, timegrain, metric namespace, namespace filter, timeshift (optional)] Retrieve metrics from Azure's resources using a namespace and filter. Count, Percent, Milliseconds, Seconds, etc.
  • Filter parameter can be used to filter out using dimensions, e.g. "cloud/roleName eq '<role_name>'".
  • Namespace parameter can be used to filter out using namespaces, e.g. "insights.container/nodes".

Azure Kusto queries

Item Syntax Description Response
azure.application.insights[configuration_file, application ID, query] Run Kusto query to Application Insights REST API JSON[configuration_file, workspace ID, query] Run Kusto query to Log Analytics REST API JSON
  • The first parameter should be the path to the configuration file.
  • Application Insights queries need application ID as second parameter or a matching key to locate an ID from the configuration file. This can be obtained from "Azure Portal > Application Insights > API Access".
  • Log Analytics queries need workspace ID as second parameter or a matching key to locate an ID from the configuration file. This can be obtained from "Azure Portal > Log Analytics workspace > Overview".
  • The last parameter can either be a matching key to locate the query from the configuration file or the Kusto query itself.

Azure Logic App queries

Item Syntax Description Response
azure.logic.apps[configuration_file, resource_group] Discover Azure Logic App workflows {#WORKFLOW_ID}, {#WORKFLOW_NAME}
azure.logic.apps[configuration_file, resource_group, workflow_name] Discover Azure Logic App workflow triggers {#TRIGGER_ID}, {#TRIGGER_NAME}
azure.logic.apps[configuration_file, resource_group, workflow_name, trigger_name ] Discover Azure Logic App workflow trigger history {#HISTORY_ID}, {#HISTORY_NAME}, {#HISTORY_STATUS}
azure.metric.standard.succeed[configuration_file, resource_group, metric, statistic, timegrain, filter, status, (optional:timeshift)] Logic Apps Standard workflow completed Runs/Triggers with given status Count
azure.metric.standard.other[configuration_file, resource_group, metric, statistic, timegrain, filter, status, (optional:timeshift)] Logic Apps Standard workflow completed Runs/Triggers without given status Count

Azure Web App instance discovery

Item Syntax Description Response[configuration_file, resource_group, webapp_name] Discover Web App Scale-Out Instances {#MACHINE_NAME}, {#STATE}, {#STATUS_URL}, {#HEALTHCHECK_URL}


Example configuration file

    "client_id": "<client_id>",
    "subscription_id": "<subscription_id>",
    "pemfile": "<path_to_pem_file>",
    "tenant_id": "<tenant_id>",
    "application_ids": {
        "<application_key_1>": "<application_id_1>",
        "<application_key_2>": "<application_id_2>",
        "<application_key_3>": "<application_id_3>"
    "workspace_ids": {
        "<workspace_key_1>": "<workspace_id_1>",
        "<workspace_key_2>": "<workspace_id_2>",
        "<workspace_key_3>": "<workspace_id_3>"
    "kusto_queries": {
        "<kusto_query_key_1>": "<kusto_query_1>",
        "<kusto_query_key_2>": "<kusto_query_2>",
        "<kusto_query_key_3>": "<kusto_query_3>"
    "resources": {
        "<resource_key_1>": "<resource_path_1>",
        "<resource_key_2>": "<resource_path_2>",
        "<resource_key_3>": "<resource_path_3>"

CLI example, list available resources from Azure's services

azure_discover_resources <path_to_config_file>

CLI example, list available metrics from resource

azure_discover_metrics <path_to_config_file> <resource>

CLI example, list available dimensions from resource

azure_discover_dimensions <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <dimension>
azure_discover_dimensions <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <dimension> --metric-namespace <metric_namespace>

CLI example, list available roleInstances and roleNames from resource

azure_discover_roles <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <dimension>

CLI example, retrieve metric from resource

azure_metric <path_to_config_file> <resource> <metric> <statistic> <timegrain> --timeshift <timeshift>

Possible values for statistic-argument

Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum, Total

Possible values for timegrain-argument

Value Description
PT1M One minute
PT5M Five minutes
PT1H One hour
PT3H Three hours
P1D One day


Timeshift argument expects the number of minutes to delay the query. In some cases the data is not available instantly so it's advisable to delay the data retrieval. A good starting point is to delay all metric queries for 5 minutes.

CLI example, Kusto queries

source /opt/digiaiiris/virtualenv/zabbix-azure-monitoring/bin/activate
azure_query --id <application_ID_or_matching_key> application_insights <path_to_config_file> <kusto_query_or_matching_key>
azure_query --id <workspace_ID_or_matching_key> log_analytics <path_to_config_file> <kusto_query_or_matching_key>