Nuxt integration into PlatformOS
- 📘 Nuxt Documentation:
Create a PlatformOS instance at
Setup your PlatformOS instance ready to deploy
Make sure you have npx installed (
is shipped by default since npm5.2.0
)npx create-npos-app <my-project> p
Or starting with npm v6.1 you can do:
npm init create-npos-app <my-project> p
Or with yarn:
yarn create-npos-app <my-project> p
npx create-npos-app <my-project>
marketplace-kit deploy <environment>
to deploy markekplace_builder to PlatformOS. Note: This can also be copied from the partner portal under the required instances command cheet sheet. -
Update enviroment variable CDN
Currently the only way to get the CDN's url is to use this liquid
{{ '' | asset_url }}
. To make this easier for your staging instance runmarketplace-kit sync staging
save marketplace_builder/views/pages/index.html.liquid. Next view your staging instance and copy the CDN URL. Then locate the .env file in the yourProject/nuxt/ update the stagingCDN variable to your instance CDN. For a production site you will currently have to manually produce find and replace the .env variable.
Note: Run all commands discussed in this tutorial in the project root directory, i.e. one level above the marketplace_builder directory.
Note: After installation, run nuxt commands e.g. npm run dev
from the relavent directory i.e. yourProject/nuxt/
- Change directory
cd nuxt/<my-project>
- Dev, Staging or Production
- Run the dev server with
npm run dev
- Generate for staging with
npm run staging
NOTE: You must be synced to your Staging instancemarketplace-kit sync staging
- Generate for production with
npm run production
NOTE: You must be synced to your Staging instancemarketplace-kit sync production
Check the features needed for your project:
Choose your favorite UI framework:
- None (feel free to add one later)
- Bootstrap
- Vuetify
- Bulma
- Tailwind
- Element UI
- Ant Design Vue
- Buefy
- iView
- Tachyons
block to .vue files allowing PlatformOS frontmatter and liquid markup -
Uses Nuxt generate to automatically compile, format and move generated output into PlatformOS
If using VSCode I recommend the following or similiar extensions
- Vetur
- DotENV
This module is forked from create-nuxt-app. So the most credit is due those working on create-nuxt-app.
nuxt-platformOS intergration