Message for eap users Closes #2669 #2086
10 warnings
Build Plugin:
'ReadLockCookie.Create()' is obsolete: 'This overload exists to preserve the binary compatibility. Please, update to use the C# 13 compiler, it will prefer the overload with the additional caller info optional parameters'
Build Plugin:
'IDaemon.Invalidate(IDocument)' is obsolete: 'Use the method with reason parameter'
Build Plugin:
'IDaemon.Invalidate()' is obsolete: 'Use the method with reason parameter'
Build Plugin:
'ReadLockCookie.Create()' is obsolete: 'This overload exists to preserve the binary compatibility. Please, update to use the C# 13 compiler, it will prefer the overload with the additional caller info optional parameters'
Build Plugin:
'ReadLockCookie.Create()' is obsolete: 'This overload exists to preserve the binary compatibility. Please, update to use the C# 13 compiler, it will prefer the overload with the additional caller info optional parameters'
Build Plugin:
'ReadLockCookie.Create()' is obsolete: 'This overload exists to preserve the binary compatibility. Please, update to use the C# 13 compiler, it will prefer the overload with the additional caller info optional parameters'
Build Plugin:
'ReadLockCookie.Create()' is obsolete: 'This overload exists to preserve the binary compatibility. Please, update to use the C# 13 compiler, it will prefer the overload with the additional caller info optional parameters'
Build Plugin:
'ReadLockCookie.Create()' is obsolete: 'This overload exists to preserve the binary compatibility. Please, update to use the C# 13 compiler, it will prefer the overload with the additional caller info optional parameters'
Build Plugin:
'IRdEndpoint<PsiFileID, RiderDocumentInfo>.Set(Func<Lifetime, PsiFileID, RdTask<RiderDocumentInfo>>, IScheduler?, IScheduler?)' is obsolete: 'This is an internal API. It is preferable to use SetSync or SetAsync extension methods'
Build Plugin:
'IRdEndpoint<MethodUnderCaretRequest, RiderMethodUnderCaret>.Set(Func<Lifetime, MethodUnderCaretRequest, RdTask<RiderMethodUnderCaret>>, IScheduler?, IScheduler?)' is obsolete: 'This is an internal API. It is preferable to use SetSync or SetAsync extension methods'