This repo is elligible for counting your Pull requests in Hacktober Fest. Make pull requests in this repo to win a Tshirt and super cool laptop stickers from Github and Digital Ocean(From 1st October to 31st October every year). First and Foremost register yourself on and then click Start Hacking. Then follow the steps on the website and register yourself. Next Follow the steps below to make pull requests.
Fork this repository by clicking on the fork button on the top of this page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account.
Now clone the forked repository to your machine. Go to your GitHub account, open the forked repository, click on the clone button and then click the copy to clipboard icon. Now let's bring the cloned repository to your local machine. Open your git bash terminal and write the following commands.
$ git clone <url-you-just-copied>
Since you want to change the files inside, first let's move to the folder correctly. Use the following command on the terminal:
$ cd Hacktober-Festt
After that make a folder of your name and go inside the folder
mkdir <your name (Suppose X)>
cd <your folder name (X)>
After that make the required changes into that folder like adding a file or your projects.
Now you have made the required changes, it's time to push the code. Run the following commands in the terminal
$ cd .. (To get back into the main folder, i.e. Hacktober-Festt)
$ git add . (Adding your changes)
$ git commit -m "Your commit message" (Please add a valid commit message)
$ git push (Pushing the changes to the local repo)
Now go to your local repo which you have forked and check if the changes you made are there or not. If you can't find the changes, then probably you have done something wrong. Follow the steps again. If your changes are there, then click on Pull requests
tab and click on Create New Pull Request
Once you see Able to merge
on your screen, create the pull request and add proper comments (preferably your name and PR number) and click on create pull request
This completes 1 pull request. Now go to your hacktober fest profile and check if the counter for pull requests have increased. If it increased then you have successfully completed 1 PR. Repeat the above steps and further add the changes in the folder you created already. Don't need to create a separate folder everytime.
Minimum 4 Pull requests are required to complete the challenge. But Make 5-6 such to secure the prizes.
Every PR is accepted as soon as I can. Just follow the community guidelines.
If this helped you then Star the repo!!