A simple android project that demonstrates how to implement background service.
- A service is a android application component that executes the task in the background without effecting the users current activity.
- No user interface is required
- By Default service runs on Main UI thread (Does not run separate thread or process)
- ContextWrapper class is super class of Service, Context is super class of ContextWrapper
- When we create an android application, the android system will create a default process, i’e default thread is created, This default thread is called as Main Thread or UI thread.
- All the components (Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Services) runs on the same thread that is Main UI thread.
- Apart from the Main thread if we create any thread that we can call it as Background thread or Worker Thread.
- On Main UI thread we can only perform small operations like UI operations, Small Animations, Mathematical or Logical operations.
- Worker thread or Background thread are used to perform long running operations like Upload or Download File, Playing music, Heavy database queries & Network operations.
- Started Service ( 1. Foreground Service, 2. Background Service)
- Bound Service
- Intent Service
- Started service basically can started by android components like Activity, Broadcast Receiver, Content Provider, Services
- When service started can run in background indefinitely, Even the component that started is also destroyed
- There is always one way communication in case of started service
is used to start service &stopservice()
are used to stop service.- Runs on Main Ui thread
- A bound service allows the components (Activities, Services & Content providers) to bind to the service.
- This service exists as long as the there is at least one component bound to it.
- When all the calling components destroyed then the service also destroyed.
- By default it has two communication.
is used to start service &unbindservice()
are used to stop service.- Runs on Main Ui thread
- This service is always uses the notification to notify the user that some background operation is going on (Such as Play Music, Download files)
- Foreground service is always noticeable to user, That is the user aware of foreground service. Runs on Main UI thread.
- This Service is not noticeable to the user & this is used to perform some background operations such as Sending email, Receiving whatsapp messages.
- Runs on Main UI thread.
- This service is advanced form of background service.
- This is Subclass of Service.
- It uses Worker Thread or Background thread by default to perform long running operations, So it runs
- Use startService() to start service and it stops automatically when task is done.
- It executes one task at a time, If you assign multiple tasks to the same intent service, Then the task will be arranged in - the queue. It handles multi threading internally and saves memory
- onHandleIntent() is default override method in case of Intent Service.
method implemented internally &onCreate()
are optional
- Incase of intent service it does not stop or accept new requests through the same intent until it completes its onHandleIntent() competes the previous request.
- If we try to start again same intent-service with same other actions, onHandleIntent() will only called only after when previous request finished.
won’t work until onHandleIntent() finishes its task. - Declare the service as a separate process in the manifest & And when you want to stop its execution, just kill that process.
- We can send data to service using intent
- There is no default mechanism to return results back from the background service.
- We can use Broadcast receiver to communicate with the service or Intent Service
- Your service should always be accessible within your own application, Use the following attribute to access only from your
app- android:exported:”false"
- Use explicit intent to start service.
- Use LoacalBroadcastReciever to communicate with service (
- Background app cannot use the Intent Service, Only foreground app can only use intent service from Oreo version
- Why such restrictions: Background services consumes more memory, which leads to battery drains.
- Modern way to run background service
- It works in all devices (Api > 14)
- It internally uses Job scheduler api.
- It requires
permissions onHandleWork()
is default override method.- It Runs on worker Thread or Background thread.