cd GitHub/
mkdir dimpart; cd dimpart/
git clone
cd statistic-py/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1.0. Usages
Input command dimid --help
to get help information:
DIM account generate/modify
dimid [--config=<FILE>] generate
dimid [--config=<FILE>] modify <ID>
dimid [-h|--help]
generate create new ID, meta & document
modify <ID> edit document with ID
optional arguments:
--config config file path (default: "/etc/dim/config.ini")
--help, -h show this help message and exit
1.1. Create Bot Account
Input command dimid --config=etc/config.ini generate
and it would response:
[DB] init with config: etc/config.ini => {'database': {'public': '/var/dim/public', 'private': '/var/dim/private'}, 'station': {'host': '', 'port': '9394'}, 'ans': {'statistic': ''}}
!!! id key path: /var/dim/private/{ADDRESS}/secret.js
!!! msg keys path: /var/dim/private/{ADDRESS}/secret_keys.js
!!! meta path: /var/dim/public/{ADDRESS}/meta.js
!!! doc path: /var/dim/public/{ADDRESS}/document.js
!!! users path: /var/dim/private/users.js
!!! contacts path: /var/dim/private/{ADDRESS}/contacts.js
!!! members path: /var/dim/private/{ADDRESS}/members.js
Generating DIM account...
--- address types ---
0: User
1: Group (User Group)
2: Station (Server Node)
3: ISP (Service Provider)
4: Bot (Business Node)
5: ICP (Content Provider)
6: Supervisor (Company President)
7: Company (Super Group for ISP/ICP)
>>> please input address type:
chose Bot (Business Node) (input number "4" and enter), and it would response:
!!! address type: 4
!!! meta type: 1
>>> please input (default is "bot"):
input "stat" and enter:
!!! meta seed: stat
>>> please input user name: Stat Bot
>>> please input avatar url:
input "Stat Bot" and an image URL (can be empty), then new account will be generated:
!!! user info: stat@31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg "Stat Bot"
!!! ID: stat@31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg, meta type: 1, document type: visa, name: "Stat Bot"
!!! private key: RSA, msg keys: []
[2023-06-12 16:20:41] [DB] PrivateKeyStorage > Saving identity private key into: /var/dim/private/31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg/secret.js
[2023-06-12 16:20:41] [DB] MetaStorage > Loading meta from: /var/dim/public/31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg/meta.js
[2023-06-12 16:20:41] [DB] MetaStorage > Saving meta into: /var/dim/public/31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg/meta.js
[2023-06-12 16:20:41] [DB] DocumentStorage > Loading document from: /var/dim/public/31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg/document.js
[2023-06-12 16:20:41] [DB] DocumentStorage > Saving document into: /var/dim/public/31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg/document.js
the text string stat@31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg
is your new bot ID.
1.2. Modify Bot Config
copy the new ID: stat@31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg
open etc/config.ini
# Configuration for Bots
# root = /var/dim
public = /var/dim/public
private = /var/dim/private
host =
port = 9394
statistic = stat@31PyFapLXhUiThUTa6Y2T5uaxWCRvLtaAg
1.3. Start your programming
Open codes in Pycharm, starts from file bots/
Albert Moky @ June 12, 2023