Description: This is the official repo of IZTAPP.
- git clone ./iztapp
- cd iztapp
- npm run i
- npm run start
- git add .
- npm run commit
- Fill the form
- git push origin development
Node.js, Koa.js and MongoDB
Nunjucks, Bootstrap 4, Additional CSS (sass if needed), Jquery (if needed)
- ./public/ --> images, favicons etc.
- ./scripts/ --> additional scripts which do not affect the project
- ./src/
- ./src/controllers/ --> Route controllers
- ./src/locales/ --> Language files
- ./src/models/
- ./src/models/schemas/ --> Database schemas
- ./src/models/repositories/ --> Repos of schemas which includes implementations of model functionalities (e.g : login middlewares)
- ./src/models/factories/ --> Package of related repos
- ./src/views/
- ./src/views/pages/ --> All existed pages
- ./src/views/assets/ --> All assets
- ./src/views/mails/ --> All mail templates
- ./src/config.js --> All configurations of the application (e.g : port, domains, locales, errors etc.)
- ./src/helpers.js --> All helper functions which are not related with a task directly (e.g : generateHash, generatePasswordHash, generateUrlString, comparePassword)
- ./src/limits.js --> All limitations of application (e.g : user password max limit)
- ./src/server.js --> The main code which starts the server
- ./.editorconfig --> Configurations of text editor to keep organized
- ./.eslintrc --> JS Style configurations
- ./.eslintignore --> Which JS files will be ignored from styling
- ./.gitignore --> Which files won't be pushed
- ./LICENCE --> MIT Licence
- ./package.json, ./package-lock.json --> NPM configurations
- ./ --> Current file that you are reading