This is intended for managing the tasks locally. By default uses $HOME/.todo.json file to store the data. (you can change this using --config option any time)
Contains following commands
- Add (todo add)
- List (todo ls)
- Delete (supports space separated multiple params) (todo delete)
- Mark Complete (supports space separated multiple params) (todo complete)
- Mark Pending (supports space separated multiple params) (todo pending)
- Cobra
- Viper
- Simple table
Choose appropriate (binary Releases)[]
- Rename the binary to 'todo'.
- Add the binary to your environment path and use it.
- How to run the program
todo add "project - task - jiraLink"
todo complete TASKID
<!-- you can also mark multiple tasks to mark complete by passing space separated ids -->
todo complete 1 2 ..
todo pending TASKID
<!-- you can also mark multiple tasks back to mark pending by passing space separated ids -->
todo pending 1 2 ..
todo delete TASKID
<!-- you can also mark multiple tasks for deletion by passing space separated ids -->
todo delete 1 2 ..
any issues please raise an bug reguest
>todo -h
TODO CLI APP (for issue ->
1. Add (todo add)
2. List (todo ls)
3. Delete (supports space separated multiple params) (todo delete)
4. Mark Complete (supports space separated multiple params) (todo complete)
5. Mark Pending (supports space separated multiple params) (todo pending)
todo [command]
Available Commands:
add add a todo Format: Project - task - JIRA link
complete Mark a task as completed(supports space separated multiple params)
delete Delete a task from the list(supports space separated multiple params)
help Help about any command
ls List all todos
pending Mark a task as pending(supports space separated multiple params)
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.todo.json)
-h, --help help for todo
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "todo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Dinesh Ravi
- 1.0.0
- Initial Release
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 or GPL-3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
- cobra
- viper
- simpletable
- joefazee (for models under GPL-2.0)