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=== Deprecated Block ===
Contributors:      Codemanas
Tags:              block
Tested up to:      6.1
Stable tag:        0.1.0
License:           GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:

== Testing ==

1. 'git checkout 1.0.0/ 1.1.0/1.2.0' to switch between minor change version
2. 'npm run start' to run the script

[Note: The version should always be tested in ascending order version wise.]

== Change log ==

== 1.2.0 ==
- Replaced the RichText with InnerBlocks
- Deprecated code v2 added for 1.1.0 with the use of migration of inner blocks and it's attribute

== 1.1.0 ==
- Replaced the attribute text with content
- Replaced the RichText tagName from p to div
- Deprecated code v1 added for 1.0.0 with the use of migration of text attribute

== 1.0.0 ==

- Use of attribute 'text'
- RichText used to display the content