This project is inspired by Kalle Halden ( AND Tim Eichinger ( He had the idea to this project and made it working for MacOS.
Check his repository out:
Check his repository out:
Create automatically Repository, Folder, and gitignore (venv, .vscode). For windows systems
BEFORE CLONING make sure that you have already installed the newest version of python and you succesfully added it to your SYSTEM-PATH.
Goto your command-line (cmd) and navigate to the location where you want to clone this project. Then type:
git clone ""
cd createRepo
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then edit the three files create.bat and remove.bat and where necessary (marked and described with comments).
- type env to your windows-search and hit enter. A dialog with system-properties should appear.
- Click on the Button with Environment Variables
- In the System Variables window, highlight Path in the upper section, and click Edit.
- In the Edit System Variables window, click New and add the full path to the new created line.
- Click OK in each open windows
To create a new project just open your command-line (cmd) and type in a command with the following syntax:
create <ProjectName> <private/public>
USE WITH CAUTION - DELETING without question
To delete a Projekt and remove the repository open the command-line (cmd) and type in:
remove <ProjektName>