The Distribute Protocol aims to create a general purpose decentralized utility protocol that helps scale distributed infrastructure systems, in a way that can be responsive and accountable to the needs of its users, while also creating broader value that can be shared among network participants.
These instructions will allow you to run Distribute on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Distribute has been tested for compatibility with Mac and Linux (Ubuntu 16.04).
Distribute Protocol requires the following software to be downloaded:
- yarn
- Node.js/npm
- Truffle Suite (Ethereum development framework)
- mongoDB
- ipfs daemon
- MetaMask (Google Chrome extension)
For notes on how to install each of the above please refer to the section on Installing the Prerequisites for Mac or Linux. If your system has all of the above, please visit the section Installing the Distribute Protocol.
Note that it is essential to have all of these softwares before proceeding with the installation of the Distribute Protocol.
Make sure that Homebrew is installed. If not, go to this link and follow the documentation. You can install yarn through the Homebrew package manager. This will also install Node.js if it is not already installed.
brew install yarn
If you use "nvm" or similar, you should exclude installing Node.js so that the "nvm" version of Node.js is used.
brew install yarn --without-node
Test that yarn and node are installed by running:
yarn --version
node -v
npm is distributed with Node.js, which means that when you download Node.js, you automatically get npm installed on your computer. To update it, run
npm install npm@latest -g
Check that npm has been installed by running this in terminal
npm -v
You need at least npm v5.3.0
and node v8.3.0
to proceed.
npm install -g truffle
npm install -g ganache-cli
Note: installing mongo locally is now optional, ping Sarah for the needed env vars
Open terminal and enter
brew update
brew install mongodb
Create a default "db" directory to store the Mongo data files by running
mkdir -p /data/db
To initialise the Mongo shell, run mongod
To run the Mongo shell, run mongo
To exit the Mongo shell, run quit()
We use IPFS (more information about this alternative to http found here) because ...
Update your packages and make sure that you have a version of Go beyond 1.7.0
brew update
brew install golang
To check that the Go language has downloaded successfully, run
go version
To get the ipfs daemon running, run the following in terminal
go get -u -d
Then cd into the directory where go-ipfs
was downloaded.
Once you have done this, in terminal, run
make install
If make install
doesn't work, install from a pre-built package following the documentation here.
brew install ipfs
Initialize the daemon by entering
ipfs init
You will see a command asking you to enter a Enter the command they say starting with
ipfs cat /ipfs/
To test that it is working, run
ipfs help
Run the following lines to ensure everything will work properly:
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials '["true"]'
Go to this site in your Google Chrome browser.
Note that it is essential to have all of these softwares before proceeding with the installation of the Distribute Protocol.
is bundled with Node.js, so you only need to install Node.js.
Node.js - detailed download details for different Linux distros from here)
To install Node.js 7.x on Ubuntu 16.04, run the following commands:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Verify the installation of npm is successful:
npm -v
node -v
You need at least npm v5.3.0
and node v8.3.0
to proceed.
On Debian/Ubuntu
First, configure the repository for download.
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
Then, simply:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn
Test that Yarn has been successfully installed by running
yarn --version
npm install -g truffle
npm install -g ganache-cli
Please remember to make sure that you are running glibc 2.23
. To make sure, run ldd --version
in terminal to check.
Follow the steps from the following manual..
We use IPFS (more information about this alternative to http found here) because ...
Update your packages and make sure that you have a version of Go beyond 1.7.0
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install golang-go -y
Get the tarball from the web, then untar it.
tar xvfz go-ipfs_v0.4.10_linux-386.tar.gz
Move the ipfs
binary in your local path.
sudo mv go-ipfs/ipfs /usr/local/bin/ipfs
To test that it is working, run
ipfs help
Run the following lines to ensure everything will work properly:
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials '["true"]'
Go to this site in your Google Chrome browser.
Note that all of these steps must be carried out before sending any transactions on distribute.
Step 1:
Clone this repository to your machine and add the contracts repository as a submodule. This will give you access to all the frontend, server, and contract code you will need from both repositories.
git clone
cd distribute-app
git rm .gitmodules contracts
git submodule add contracts
git submodule add [email protected]:distribute-protocol/abis.git server/abi/build
git submodule add [email protected]:distribute-protocol/abis.git frontend/src/abi/build
git submodule update --init --recursive
If you receive the error that 'frontend/src/abi/build' already exists in the index
then you can move to the next command
Step 2:
cd server
and install the node modules and dependencies from the package.json
Then cd ../frontend
and install dependencies with yarn
Alternately, you can do these steps with docker:
To do this, make sure docker is installed, then from the server subdirectory:
sudo docker build .
If this is successful, the container will build and log the output of each build step, eventually ending with something like Successfully built <exampleBuildId>
Start the container with
sudo docker run -p 3001:3001 --network "host" <exampleBuildId>
The process for the front end is the same, but should be done from the frontend
subdirectory, and the port that should be mapped is 3000
You can stop the containers at any time with
sudo docker stop <exampleBuildId>
Step 3:
Open a new terminal window and run
This will deploy a local blockchain with 10 accounts, each preloaded with 100 ether.
Step 4:
Open and sign in to MetaMask in your Google Chrome browser.
Open MetaMask. From the dropdown menu at the top, select the Localhost 8545
network. Then, click your account name. This will automatically copy your address to clipboard.
Remember to reset this account every time you run ganache-cli
To reset the account, confirm that you are on Localhost 8545, then navigate to Settings by clicking on your account image at the top right. Scroll down and select "Reset Account". This forces MetaMask to believe that this network ID is a clean network in a fresh state (ordinary users of MetaMask should never have to do this!).
Step 5:
In a new terminal window, navigate to the contracts
folder you cloned from GitHub in Step 1. Deploy it to the local blockchain running in ganache by running:
cd contracts
truffle migrate --network app
Then enter the Truffle console.
truffle console
Send ether from your local blockchain to your account in MetaMask by running the following in truffle console
web3.eth.sendTransaction({to:'<MetaMask_address>', from: web3.eth.accounts[<i>], value: web3.toWei(90, 'ether')})
For <MetaMask_address>: Paste (Ctrl-Shift-V) the address you copied to clipboard in step 4.
For <i>: Type any number between 0 and 9. This is a reference to the 10 accounts in your locally running 10 accounts.
Step 6: In a new terminal window, clear your database by running
use distribute
show collections
Then for each collection:
Step 7:
You are now ready to take Distribute Protocol online. Open another terminal window. Run
ipfs daemon
Wait for the following three lines to appear.
Initializing daemon...
API server listening on /ip4/
Gateway server listening on /ip4/
Step 8:
mongoDB must be running before this step.
cd into distribute-app/server
, then install the necessary node modules and start up the server by running
yarn start
The server should be running at localhost 3001.
Step 9:
Your MetaMask account needs to be on localhost 8545, and reset (as described in Step 2 if it has been used before).
cd into distribute-app/frontend
, then install the necessary node modules and start up the frontend by running
yarn start
The frontend should open up in a browser tab and be running on localhost 3000. Make sure that it runs on a browser that has the MetaMask extension installed.
After running yarn in the contract, frontend and server, you can use one command to start all the remaining services that is docker-compose First you will need to run:
docker volume create mongodbdata
Alternately, the services can be run with docker-compose. Before doing so, you must set up the gitmodules and yarn
or npm i
in both frontend
and server
subdirectories, then you should be able to start the services with
docker-compose up
Note: the docker-compose file assumes a remote mongo instance is being used and that the connection string for it is set in the server .env
Mongo Fails to Start:
If mongo fails to start when running mongo
in a terminal window, open a new terminal tab and run
leave that process running, then run
in the original terminal window.
Localhost Already in Use:
When starting the server, if it does not start up and returns error="listen tcp :3001: bind: address already in use"
then you will need to terminate whatever process is on port 3001. To do that, run
lsof -i :3001
see the engine running on port 3001 and kill the process.
lsof -i :3001
returns something of this form:
enginepro 28813 Ariana 4u IPv6 0xe86d79c77aad86ad 0t0 TCP *:redwood-broker (LISTEN)
To kill the process above, copy the PID
number and run
kill 28813
Then the server should be able to start normally.
Javascript Out of Memory:
After running the frontend for an extended period of time, the process may occasionally quit and return an Out of Memory
error. To restart the frontend, run yarn start
in the same terminal window. No extra precautions need to be taken.
ENOSPC error: Run
If the frontend fails to run with exit code 1
and returns ENOSPC error: run
, run
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
in the same terminal window.
Ashoka Finley (ashoka [dot] finley [at] consensys [dot] net)
Jessica Marshall (jessica [dot] marshall [at] consensys [dot] net)