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Releases: ditinc/linter-cflint

v0.10.0 Upgrade dependencies

18 Jun 01:58
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  • Upgrade to CFLint 0.7.3 (a snapshot release, but it appears generally stable)
  • Upgrade all JavaScript dependencies (atom-linter, etc.)

Bugfixes and code cleanup

01 Feb 19:20
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Prepare 0.9.1 release

New rules and .cflintrc rule exclusion support

10 Nov 02:51
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  • Includes additional CFLint rules recently introduced. When 0.5.1 stabilizes I will synchronize better to their releases to get on the stable track. For now this is pre-1.0 so I'm not as concerned about stability.
  • Added feature for excluding rules with .cflintrc in the style of .eslintrc. Rule IDs are included with the warning/error message for easy reference to add to .cflintrc.
  • Splits rules into warnings and errors per CFLint results. (h/t @lramirez925 for the idea)
  • 🐛 Fixed bug with issue order. Issues are now properly sorted first by error/warning, then by line number.
  • Minor code updates with (hopefully) some minor performance improvements.

Add Java path configuration

09 Oct 00:08
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Some folks were reporting that the JAVA_HOME detection wasn't working, so this brings a configuration option to override the JAVA_HOME detection and simply specify the location of the java executable instead.

New branding

05 Oct 19:20
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Prepare 0.3.0 release

Better performance, reduced dependencies

03 Oct 16:45
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Prepare 0.2.3 release

Fixes sorting

02 Oct 22:36
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Prepare 0.2.1 release

Initial release

02 Oct 22:37
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Prepare 0.2.0 release