This script can register and login cognito users for testing purposes. This can be helpful if you are building services that require a Cognito JWT to authenticate users.
In order for it to work hassle free the cognito user group and client app configuration has a few caveats:
- The user group should have MFA and verification disabled.
- The user group should only require emails/passwords.
- The client app should not have a client secret.
- The client app should have
Production services probably shouldn't authenticate this test user group's JWTs.
Note that this script relies on standard AWS authentication so it will require the proper AWS ID/secret in your .aws folder or set as environment variables.
# Register a user (returns the user's UUID)
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 go run main.go -register -clientID <client ID> -email [email protected] -password Password1! -userPoolID <user pool ID>
# Login a user (returns a valid access token for the user)
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 go run main.go -login -clientID <client ID> -email [email protected] -password Password1! -userPoolID <user pool ID>
# Register and login in 1 call
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 go run main.go -login -register -clientID <client ID> -email [email protected] -password Password1! -userPoolID <user pool ID>