This guide is to help new developers make a quick and organized transition into their new role with Area41
We are currently integrating Microsoft Teams as our communication platform under team name, Integrative Design & Development.
You will need to be granted access to variouis platforms and resources that we use. Here is a list;
- ID: You will need to be granted access through you ID, to various doors around the building including the office space where we work. For this, talk to our Director, Dr. Sara J. Northerner.
- Github Repo: You can access the repo at (
- Plone: This is a content management system mainly used to develop and maintain various websites including the new ITS( website. For this, talk to our Director, Dr. Sara J. Northerner.
- Cardbox: This file storage resource and as a University of Louisville student/employee, you can request a cardbox account. More information about doing this can be found here: ( Having a cardbox account will allow you to be invited to the shared folders with other team members, folders that contain various files such as images used on websites and/or in other projects and applications.
- ADMIN Access: You will need to request admin access for your PC so that you are able to install the various Software/Applications needed.
You are more than welcome to use your favorite text editor. In addition to any project specific tools that you may have to download, it is important to have tools figma( and zeplin( These tools are used by our graphic designers to help us visualize our applications before actual implementation commences.
A Core Development tool used to insure our projects run in a consistant environment.