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Adding splitSave to split struct array into separate files
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djoshea committed Nov 20, 2014
1 parent cd14fbb commit 3d12624
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Showing 2 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions splitSave/splitLoad.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
function mergedArray = splitLoad(saveName)
% mergedArray = splitLoad(saveName)
% v1 - paul - 2014/05/21
% loads a splitSaved file set and returns the merged array of structures
% intended to be used with splitSave
% NOTE: will break if additional other mat files exist in saveName directory

existStatus = exist(saveName);
if existStatus ~= 7 % directory
error('splitLoad:saveName:notDir', 'saveName not a directory, cannot load');

whatOut = what(saveName);

if isempty(whatOut.mat)
error('splitLoad:saveName:empty', 'saveName directory is empty, nothing to laod');

numMats = numel(whatOut.mat);
mergedArray = [];
for i = 1 : numMats
wrapper = load(fullfile(saveName, sprintf('%04d.mat', i)));
mergedArray = [mergedArray wrapper.splitData];

74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions splitSave/splitSave.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
function splitSave(saveName, inArray)
% splitSave(saveName, inArray)
% v1 - paul - 2014/05/21
% save the input array of structures to saveName
% splitSave will split the input array into pieces so that no component is >2GB
% this allows for the efficient saving to matlab format v6 which can be loaded quickly
% inArray - array of structures (e.g. R struct)
% saveName - 'filename' to save - can be local of full path
% saveName will be a directory containing one or more mat files
% if saveName exists as a directory, directory will be deleted and recreated
% user must have write access to parent directory
% NOTE: assumes 1D array of structures, will NOT reconstruct >1D arrays
% also assumes that data is roughly evenly distributed across array of structures
% example usage: splitSave('/tmp/R_1876-03-10', R);

% maxVarSize = 2147483648; % 2GB
maxVarSize = 1073741824; % 1GB

existStatus = exist(saveName);
if existStatus == 2 % file
error('splitSave:saveName:ExistsAsFile', 'saveName provided exists as file, cannot create directory');

if existStatus == 7 % directory
delSuccess = rmdir(saveName, 's'); % recursive delete
if ~delSuccess
error('splitSave:saveName:cannotDelete', 'cannot delete existing saveName, check permissions');

mkdirSuccess = mkdir(saveName);

if ~mkdirSuccess
error('splitSave:saveName:cannotCreate', 'cannot create saveName directory, check permissions');

whosOut = whos('inArray');
numSlices = ceil( whosOut.bytes / maxVarSize );
numElements = numel(inArray);
elementsPerSlice = floor( numElements / numSlices );

if elementsPerSlice < 1
fprintf('WARNING: array of structures too large, cannot slice small enough, saving as matlab v7.3\n');
save( fullfile(saveName, sprintf('%04d.mat', 1)), inArray);

slices = [ 0 : elementsPerSlice : numElements ];
if (elementsPerSlice * numSlices ~= numElements) % i.e. equal slicing left some elemenets at the end
slices = [slices numElements];
numSlices = numSlices + 1;

for i = 1 : numSlices
splitData = inArray(slices(i) + 1 : slices(i + 1));
save( fullfile(saveName, sprintf('%04d.mat', i)), '-v6', 'splitData' );


infoFile = fopen(fullfile(saveName, 'info'), 'w+');
fprintf(infoFile, 'v1');


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