Test for explicit instantiation in different modules
I use gcc-5.1.0 on Windows (mingw-w64 build). I have the following template class:
template <class T>
struct StaticObject
static T & getInstance()
static T t;
std::cout << "static object " << typeid(T).name() << " at " << &t << " = "<< t <<std::endl;
return t;
What i want to achieve is to have one instance of say StaticObject through my EXE and several DLLs modules with use of explicit instantiation. So in one of my DLLs (inst.dll) i have explicit instantiation of StaticObject - inst.cpp:
#include "static_object.h"
template struct StaticObject<int>;
And there is #include "externs.h" in each source file that use this static object to prevent it from implicit instantiation - externs.h :
#pragma once
#include "static_object.h"
extern template struct StaticObject<int>;
There is calls to StaticObject::getInstance() in EXE and DLL modules and what i get is different behavior with optimisation turned on and off. It works as expected:
- with optimisation turned off and
- with following flags: "-Ox -fno-inline", where 'x' is one of optimisation levels 1,2,3.
And it doesn't work with any (1,2,3) level of optimisation turned on, so i get instances of StaticObject in each DLL and EXE.