- the processing of preprocessed brain image data files for image registration
- the extraction and processing of segmented suite2p cell traces and spatial coordinates
- the extraction and processing of behavioural image data
- Modules contain functions which for image processing and cell trace processing
- Accompanying ipynotebooks demonstrate how to use the modules
'admin_functions.py' - useful administrative functions useful
'extract.py' - extracts suite2p segmented cells and runs pre-processing on it - this includes extraction and denoising of ca2+ data, binarisation with hidden markov model, and normalisation
'order_functions.py' - functions for reading and splitting large tiffs into single tiffs
'plot.py' - plotting functions for the visualisation of
'registration.py' - functions for applying image registration to images and points, using ants library
'extract.ipynb' - extracting segmented cells and processing fluorescence traces
'registration.ipynb' - register segmented cells to brain atlas and label neurons
'suite.ipynb' - running suite2p from python
'extract_tail_angle.ipynb' - extraction of tail segment positions and plotting