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pulp: process your LaTeX log file with pulp and make a better paper


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Table of contents

  1. Table of contents
  2. What is pulp?
  3. Usage and installation
  4. Configuration
  5. latexmk
  6. Disclaimer
  7. Hacking
  8. Thanks

What is pulp?

Do you find LaTeX's output too voluminous? Do you wish it would get straight to the point and just tell you the errors and where they occurred? When you see this:

Underfull \hbox (badness 3679) in paragraph at lines 278--282
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 Shin-Cheng Mu, Zhen-jiang Hu, and

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 318--323
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/12 Yingfei Xiong,

) [279] (./paper.aux)

LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.

 ) )
(\end occurred when \iftrue on line 2 was incomplete) 
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 14398 strings out of 495035
 257795 string characters out of 6181701
 330613 words of memory out of 5000000
 17235 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
 23715 words of font info for 95 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 66i,21n,72p,680b,1562s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
Output written on paper.pdf (285 pages, 1369913 bytes).
PDF statistics:
 1660 PDF objects out of 1728 (max. 8388607)
 1107 compressed objects within 12 object streams
 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000)
 224 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000) your eyes automatically skip to the line about cross-references without conscious effort? Then you need pulp. Compare LaTeX's spew with what pulp has to say about that file:

./delta.tex:133-133: LaTeX warning: Float too large for page by 4.64713pt on input line 133.
./delta.tex:2649-2649: LaTeX warning: Float too large for page by 74.48848pt on input line 2649.
./delta.tex:3817-3817: LaTeX warning: Float too large for page by 99.13847pt on input line 3817.
./delta.tex:3923-3923: wrapfig warning: Collision between wrapping environments on input line 3923.
./delta.tex:3925-3925: wrapfig warning: Stationary wrapfigure forced to float on input line 3925.
./delta.tex:3951-3951: wrapfig warning: Collision between wrapping environments on input line 3951.
./delta.tex:3954-3954: wrapfig warning: Stationary wrapfigure forced to float on input line 3954.
./skeleton_dissertation.tex:36-?: LaTeX warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.
2-2: (\end occurred when \iftrue on line 2 was incomplete) 

Not only is the label warning more clearly highlighted, a number of other errors -- which were scrolled way the heck off the terminal ages ago if you were just using pdflatex -- are more clearly visible, together with information about which source file and line number caused the problem. (In fact, even messages which do not have a line number directly in them will have a "best guess" assigned to them by pulp to give you an idea of where in the file to start looking.)

Here's a comparison, LaTeX vs. pulp, for a paper with no problems:

% pdflatex paper
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
... snipped 578 lines here ...
Output written on paper.pdf (176 pages, 2075415 bytes).
Transcript written on paper.log.
% pulp paper.log

Usage and installation

To use pulp, first compile your LaTeX file, then run pulp on the log file that LaTeX produces. The two commands together might like this:

pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode foo
pulp foo.log


If you want to build your own copy (see the "Binaries" section below otherwise), you will need:

  • A newish GHC (7.4 or later should be new enough).
  • A newish cabal-install (0.8 or later should be new enough).

If you have neither, the recommended way to get them is to install the Haskell Platform.


You should choose between building the latest release from Hackage or building the bleeding edge source from the github repository. If you choose to build a release, you should synch cabal-install's package database with the public repository on Hackage, then install pulp:

cabal update
cabal install pulp

If you choose to build from the repository, you will need to add a step where you fetch the code manually:

git clone
cabal update
cabal install ./pulp

In either case, make sure the appropriate directory is in your PATH; by default, this is ~/.cabal/bin. For the most popular shells, this can be done by adding a line like export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH to your startup file.


If you don't want to (or can't) build a copy yourself, one of the binaries from may work on your system.


If you're processing foo.log, you can make a file foo.log.pulp that says what messages you're interested in. The file format is a zeroth-order logic; for example, the default configuration is

!(boring | info | message | under | over)

which blacklists "known-boring" junk, package messages at the "info" or "message" (but not "warning" or "error") level, and messages about under- and over-full boxes. Each potential output message gives a valuation of all the available atoms, and if your sentence evaluates to true with that valuation, the message gets printed. For another example, I found I was getting a bunch of warnings from a specific package; I filtered those out by tacking on:

!((warning & package 'xparse/redefine-command') | boring | info | message | under | over)

Actually, atoms only have to be spelled out enough to be unambiguous, so you could just as well write

!((w & p 'xparse/redefine-command') | b | i | m | und | o)

Later, I expect I'll want to see more under/overfull messages -- e.g. I'll want to know about boxes that are more than 10pt overfull. So I'll change the default to something like

!(b | i | m | under) & (overfull => threshold 10)

Or maybe I tried compiling with a new driver and it had some messages not caught by the standard "boring" regexen:

!(b | i | m | under | over | "^This is XeTeX, Version ")

(A regex can be enclosed by double quotes to match anywhere or single quotes to be required to match the whole text of whatever it's trying to match.) There's also all the usual logical connectives in a variety of spellings, though I've showed the common ones already, I think. The full list of atoms and a complete EBNF for the language is below.

The available atoms, and when they're true, are:

overfull, underfull, hbox, vbox -- messages about over/underfull h/vboxes
info, message, warning, error   -- output from \PackageError and friends
boring          -- matches a big regex for known, boring stuff
unknown         -- unparsed bits of the log file
close           -- TeX reported opening a file but not closing it, or closing more files than it opened
threshold <n>   -- *full *box messages whose badness/points are greater than n
package <regex> -- \PackageError and friends was called by a package whose name matches the regex
details <regex> -- long output from \PackageError or \ClassError matches the regex
<regex>         -- a boring, unknown, info, message, warning, or error whose contents matches the regex
true            -- always
false           -- never

The configuration file format (modulo white space) is given below.

sentence ::= chunk | chunk binop sentence

chunk ::=
    | '(' sentence ')'
    | atom
    | nullop
    | unop chunk

nullop ::= 'true' | 'false' | '0' | '1'
unop   ::= 'not' | '!' | '~'
binop  ::= '&&' | '||' | '=>' | '->' | '<=>' | '<->' | '==' | '!=' | '/=' | '^' | '*' | '+' | '/\' | '\/'
         | 'and' | 'or' | 'xor' | 'nor' | 'nand'

regex ::= '\'' stringS '\'' | '"' stringD '"'

stringS ::= charS*
stringD ::= charD*

charS ::= char | escape | '"'
charD ::= char | escape | '\''

char ::= anything but '"' or '\''
escape ::= '\\n' | '\\t' | '\\"' | '\\\''

n ::= digit+ | digit+ '.' digit+

atom ::=
    | 'boring'
    | 'unknown'
    | 'close'
    | 'overfull'
    | 'underfull'
    | 'hbox'
    | 'vbox'
    | 'threshold' n
    | 'info'
    | 'message'
    | 'warning'
    | 'error'
    | regex
    | 'package' regex
    | 'details' regex

All binary operators are right-associative, and the precedence order is (from highest to lowest):

&&, *, /\, and
||, +, \/, or
=>, ->
<=>, <->, ==
!=, /=, ^, xor

Operators that share a line above are actually alternate spellings of the same operator, and hence have the same precedence. For example, a & b and c <=> d \/ e + f parses as (a & (b and c)) <=> (d \/ (e + f)).


John Collins writes this about integrating with latexmk:

To use latexmk with pulp, all you need to do is configure latexmk to run pdflatex and then pulp when it would normally just run pdflatex. To do this you can just put the following lines in one of latexmk's configuration files:

$pdflatex = 'internal pulplatex pdflatex %Y%B.log %O %S';
$latex = 'internal pulplatex latex %Y%B.log %O %S';

sub pulplatex {
  my ($prog, $log, @args) = @_;
  print "====Running $prog @args\n";
  my $ret1 = system( $prog, '-interaction=batchmode', @args );
  print "====Summarizing the log file $log\n";
  system( 'pulp', $log );
  return $ret1;

With this set up, after each run of latex or pdflatex, latexmk will run pulp on the log file, which I think will do what you want.

By the way, latexmk is currently programmed to provide a summary of important warnings in the log file after a run, by default. If you use pulp, this summary will probably not be useful; pulp performs a better version of that task. You can get this warnings turned off by using latexmk's --silent or --quiet option. But that will also silence other programs it calls, which may be not what you want.


This tool was written by reverse-engineering the log files produced by pdflatex on my machine. It should work well for you if you use the same LaTeX engine, have the same version of BibTeX, use the same packages as me, have the same underlying operating system, and are in the same latitude as me. There's no guarantee it works well if anything is different. I have tried to make the parser relatively lax, and have had a few other people try it with their setups, so it's not a foregone conclusion that it won't work for you, but just keep your expectations realistic to begin with.

If you see something particularly distressing -- e.g. location reporting is significantly wrong, or there's something that's not easily parsed/filtered using the configuration tools already provided, you're invited to hack lib/Text/Pulp.hs (you might start reading at categorize'). You could also send along your log file to me, but I can't guarantee that I'll tackle every log file I see.

Occasionally you'll see a stray line that looks like this towards the end of your pulp output:

?-?: </opt/local/share/texmf-texlive-dist/fonts/type1/publi

I personally don't really intend to fix this, so don't bother sending me a log file if that's your only complaint. If you look in the log file yourself, you'll see why: what happened was LaTeX started printing a file name, interrupted itself to print some statistics, then continued printing the file name. I'm generally high on the "tolerating brain damage" scale, but even that is too much for me. I'm not going to try to detect that kind of thing and deal with it.

Also I haven't worked very hard on interface yet, so if your command line doesn't make sense you'll get a pretty unhelpful message, and if your configuration syntax isn't quite right the whole run will be aborted with a different unhelpful error message. UX patches very welcome.


Some miscellaneous notes that may interest people staring into the awful guts of this thing.

  • There are regression tests set up. Run cabal test to initiate them. See bin/generate-test.lhs for instructions on adding a new regression test.
  • The parser for LaTeX's output is in lib/Text/Pulp.hs. You might want to start reading at categorize'.
  • The parser for pulp's own configuration file is in bin/Config.hs. The only other real file of interest is bin/pulp.hs, which is not much more than glue code.


Lots of people helped me build pulp, in various ways.

  • John Collins, author of latexmk, warned me about lots of log-file-parsing gotchas before users could complain.
  • Michael Greenberg shared pulp binaries and improved the command-line handling and error reporting.
  • Brent Yorgey and Vilhelm Sjöberg sent some particularly weird log files, which helped improve the robustness of the parser.
  • Catalin Hritcu shared pulp binaries and made many feature suggestions.


pulp: process your LaTeX log file with pulp and make a better paper







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