torcel - Celery and Tornado integration that allows to call celery tasks in non-blocking, asynchronous aproach. The way it does it is via simple HTTP callback that is called from celery signal task_postrun. Nothing special like polling via IOLoop timeouts, UNIX sockets, custom broker connections or custom TaskProducer is used. Plain simple HTTP callback.
Calling Celery tasks from Tornado RequestHandler:
from tornado import gen, web
from torcel import AsyncTask, TaskFailure, TaskTimeout
from . import tasks
class AsyncHandler(web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
result = yield AsyncTask(tasks.echo, args=['Hello world!'], timeout=30)
except TaskFailure, e:
self.finish("task failed with exception: %s" % repr(e.error))
except TaskTimeout:
self.finish("task execution timed out")
self.finish("task succeeded with result: %s" % repr(result))
Tasks setup:
import torcel.signals
def echo(*args, **kwargs):
return [args, kwargs]