Proof-Of-Concept port of core-fx "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols" to Linux (using libldap)
The ideal port would be fully managed of course, but unfortunately isn't here (yet?), so for the time being...
Linux (obviously)
.NET Core 2.1(+)
- Most of the SessionOptions aren't implemented
- Referrals are not implemented
- Only Anonymous and Basic authentication are work
- No LDAPS, but StartTransportLayerSecurity works
- Debian 9-x64, .NET Core SDK 2.1.300, libldap-2.4-2
- Directories:
- 389 Directory Server (
- Active Directory (2012 R2)
Quick (and somewhat dirty) port that suits my personal needs and might serve yours. Use at your onwn risk
Support System.DirectoryServices.Protocols on Linux/Mac #24843