Releases: dogo/oslib
What's Changed
- Improve oslWriteImageFile function for better safety and extensibility by @dogo in #20
- Improve oslLoadImageFile function for better safety and extensibility by @dogo in #21
- Refactor and improve oslLoadImageFileJPG for robustness and readability by @dogo in #22
- Refactor GIF loading code by @dogo in #24
- Code formatting and document oslDrawImageSimple by @dogo in #25
- Refactor oslGetRamStatus by @dogo in #26
- Code Improvements and Documentation Enhancements for OSLib by @dogo in #27
- Update Audio Management Documentation for OSLib by @dogo in #28
- Document Browser by @dogo in #29
- Document Dialog by @dogo in #30
- Document Emu by @dogo in #31
- Document OSK by @dogo in #32
- Document Messagebox by @dogo in #33
- Document Keys by @dogo in #34
- Document Map by @dogo in #35
- Document Net by @dogo in #36
- Document oslmath by @dogo in #37
- Document SaveLoad by @dogo in #38
- Document SFont by @dogo in #39
- Document Text by @dogo in #40
- Document usb by @dogo in #41
- Document vfpu by @dogo in #42
- Document VirtualFile by @dogo in #43
- Document vram_mgr by @dogo in #44
- Document pspadhoc by @dogo in #45
- Document ccc by @dogo in #46
- Document oslib by @dogo in #47
- Refactor
for C Compatibility and Performance by @dogo in #48 - Refactor and Improve Swizzling Functions in OSLib by @dogo in #49
- Optimized oslGetImagePixel function for better readability and performance by @dogo in #50
- Improve oslLockImage and oslUnlockImage functions for clarity and readability by @dogo in #51
- Refactor oslSetDrawBuffer function for improved readability and maintenance by @dogo in #52
- Refactor image conversion and palette search functions for clarity and efficiency by @dogo in #53
- Refactor oslDrawImageBig function for better readability and maintainability by @dogo in #54
- Refactor oslMoveImageTo function for clarity and robustness by @dogo in #55
- Refactor oslScaleImageCreate function for improved readability and efficiency by @dogo in #56
- Refactor oslSetImagePixel function for clarity and robustness by @dogo in #57
- Improve oslUnswizzleTexture and oslUnswizzleImage functions by @dogo in #58
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0
What's Changed
- Fix 'multiple definitions of...' errors by @seeseemelk in #10
- Make oslib build with newer PSP toolchain by @sharkwouter in #11
- Updated PNG headers by @pyroceper in #12
New Contributors
- @seeseemelk made their first contribution in #10
- @sharkwouter made their first contribution in #11
- @pyroceper made their first contribution in #12
Full Changelog: release-1.1.2...1.1.3
Updated: libpng to 1.5.
Updated: Doxyfile to 1.8.6
Fixed: Doxygen warnings.
Full Changelog: release-1.1.1a...release-1.1.2
Added: some Strangelove fixes.
Updated: zlib 1.2.5
Fixed: oslLoadImageFilePNG.c
Full Changelog: release-1.1.1...release-1.1.1a
Added: net functions (from PGE LUA)
Added: oslDrawStringLimited (limit a string blit to a fixed width)
Fixed: loading an intraFont using Virtual fileSystem
Fixed: bugs by STAS (many thanks)
Full Changelog: release-1.1.0...release-1.1.1
Added: VFPU Math Library libpspmath version 4 by MrMr[iCE]
Added: Remote control functions
Added: Sony Browser (see the sample)
Added: oslDrawStringf [oslDrawStringf(0, 0, "Test string %i", 1);]
Added: adhoc functions (based on pspZorba's adhoc sample)
Added: switched to libjpeg to load jpg
Added: Switched to intraFont 0.31
Added: Functions to delete a savedata or save without multi list (thanks to valantin)
Fixed: debug console
Fixed: minor bugs
Full Changelog: release-1.0.1...release-1.1.0
Added: Support for UTF-8 with intraFont (many thanks to nextos!!!) Fixed: corrupted graphic using intraFont
Fixed: MP3/ATRAC3+ playback under kernel 3.xx (sorry, I didn't test it before)
Fixed: crash in MP3 playback after some seconds (many thanks to Drakon for reporting and testing)
Fixed: message boxes work now.
Full Changelog: release-1.0.0...release-1.0.1
Added: oslSetReadKeysFunction
Added: All USB.c functions now works
Added: oslSetHoldForAnalog
Added: support for intraFont.
Added: Dialogs (message, error and net conf)
Added: On Screen Keyboard
Added: Save and load
Fixed: Tagged MP3 and ATRAC3+ now works
Fixed: osl_keys->analogToDPadSensivity now works correctly
Full Changelog: