hunter Public
Hunter: a JavaScript reengineering platform.
redis-py Public
Forked from redis/redis-pyRedis Python Client
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 15, 2019 -
DataBindings Public
A small Vue.js-inspired reactive data bindings framework for Pharo.
mongomock Public
Forked from mongomock/mongomockSmall library for mocking pymongo collection objects for testing purposes
Python Other UpdatedDec 12, 2018 -
middleman Public
Forked from middleman/middlemanHand-crafted frontend development
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2017 -
middleman-blog Public
Forked from middleman/middleman-blogMiddleman : Blog Engine Extension
Gherkin MIT License UpdatedNov 13, 2017 -
pybossa.js Public
Forked from Scifabric/pybossa.jsJavaScript library to interact with a PyBossa server
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 17, 2017 -
marvelComicsDemo Public
An Ionic Demo that exposes data from the Marvel Developer's API
TypeScript UpdatedAug 12, 2017 -
django Public
Forked from django/djangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 12, 2017 -
ui-slider Public
Forked from angular-ui/ui-sliderjQuery UI Slider for AngularJS
HTML MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2016 -
representable Public
Forked from trailblazer/representableMaps representation documents from and to Ruby objects. Includes JSON, XML and YAML support, plain properties and compositions.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 4, 2015 -
pyinterval Public
Forked from taschini/pyintervalPyInterval — Interval arithmetic in Python
Python Other UpdatedOct 30, 2015 -
insight Public
Generic Web Dashboard for Urban Based Visualization Projects
tern Public
Forked from ternjs/ternA JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 21, 2015 -
angular-controller-factory Public
Allows to declare factories (that can be injected with other services or controllers) for controller constructors
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 17, 2015 -
angular.js Public
Forked from angular/angular.jsHTML enhanced for web apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 20, 2015 -
django-tutorial Public
Just a repo following the Django Beginner tutorial... No more, no less...
Python UpdatedFeb 1, 2014 -
SimpleInfiniteCarousel Public
Forked from mrleolink/SimpleInfiniteCarouselA sample to show how to make a simple infinite carousel with ViewPager on Android
Java UpdatedJan 7, 2014