Connects IvAp with Teamspeak2 on Linux systems
As X-IvAp does not change the TS Channels automaticly this plugin manages TS2 Server and channel switches completely in the background.
a. Install the [PythonInterface Plugin]
b. Put the Script into the ./Resources/plugins/PythonScripts folder
c. Now simply modify the file:
- PI_XP2TS : __ResourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/Resources/plugins/X-IvAp Resources/"
- X-IvAp.conf : Füge folgendes hinzu:
path = "/absolute/path/to/the/TeamSpeak/Folder"
server = can be replaced by any available TS Server. It is beeing overriden after each login. That way it is safe if a server closes in the future.
- No longer has to be started seperately
- Callsign and login informations will be used from the X-IvAp.conf File.
- After relogging with a different Callsign the change will be synchronised by the next channelswitch.
- easier installation (only one file)
- I'm not quite sure weather the swap to Channels with 8.33kHz will work always. As X-Plane does only provide 2 decimals. 120.175 e.g. is transmitted as 120.17. In that case I match every frequence from 120.16 to 120.18. The closest open ATC Station that matches the frequency will be connected in TS2.
The original Contributor of the Source is Enrico Gallesio who did an incredible work.