fix(login): fixing rememberMe #31530
11219 passed, 162 failed and 54 skipped
github-actions / Test Report
Download Manifest Successfully / Download manifest ► ManifestDownloadEndPoint ► Bundle download sucessfully
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default-split/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Manifest_Download_End_Point.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: 2ad37d88-cf3f-42d6-b0a5-f756a2c9d36b.
Collection name: Manifest Download End Point.
Request name: Download Manifest Successfully / Download manifest.
Test description: Bundle download sucessfully.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 404.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:4).
github-actions / Test Report
Try to download Manifest with invalid user / Download manifest ► ManifestDownloadEndPoint ► Bundle uploaded sucessfully
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default-split/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Manifest_Download_End_Point.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: 2ad37d88-cf3f-42d6-b0a5-f756a2c9d36b.
Collection name: Manifest Download End Point.
Request name: Try to download Manifest with invalid user / Download manifest.
Test description: Bundle uploaded sucessfully.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:8).
github-actions / Test Report
Delete a specific Tag ► TagsResourceV2 ► HTTP Status code must be 200
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default-split/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Tags_Resource_V2.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: 06743017-e871-4014-81a1-7d902a501d1c.
Collection name: Tags Resource V2.
Request name: Delete a specific Tag.
Test description: HTTP Status code must be 200.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:11).
github-actions / Test Report
Delete a specific Tag ► TagsResourceV2 ► There must be no generated errors
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default-split/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Tags_Resource_V2.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: Unexpected token 'A' at 1:1
Authentication credentials are required
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: 06743017-e871-4014-81a1-7d902a501d1c.
Collection name: Tags Resource V2.
Request name: Delete a specific Tag.
Test description: There must be no generated errors.
Error message: Unexpected token 'A' at 1:1
Authentication credentials are required
Stacktrace: JSONError: Unexpected token 'A' at 1:1
Authentication credentials are required
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:2:11).
github-actions / Test Report
Template / RestoreVersion / CheckWorkingVersionTemplate ► VersionableResource ► No errors
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default-split/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-VersionableResource.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: Unexpected token 'I' at 1:1
Invalid User
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: 9d328adc-9493-490b-b196-660c85cdf0d9.
Collection name: Versionable Resource.
Request name: Template / RestoreVersion / CheckWorkingVersionTemplate.
Test description: No errors.
Error message: Unexpected token 'I' at 1:1
Invalid User
Stacktrace: JSONError: Unexpected token 'I' at 1:1
Invalid User
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:20).
github-actions / Test Report
Template / RestoreVersion / CheckWorkingVersionTemplate ► VersionableResource ► Information Saved Correctly
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default-split/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-VersionableResource.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: Unexpected token 'I' at 1:1
Invalid User
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: 9d328adc-9493-490b-b196-660c85cdf0d9.
Collection name: Versionable Resource.
Request name: Template / RestoreVersion / CheckWorkingVersionTemplate.
Test description: Information Saved Correctly.
Error message: Unexpected token 'I' at 1:1
Invalid User
Stacktrace: JSONError: Unexpected token 'I' at 1:1
Invalid User
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:2:20).
github-actions / Test Report
To specific variants / Render again after Add/remove ► AddRemoveContentletFromAPage ► Variants with correct weight
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Add-Remove_Contentlet_from_a_Page.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: a23d7cfd-b23a-47df-aa00-123309c61292.
Collection name: Add/Remove Contentlet from a Page.
Request name: To specific variants / Render again after Add/remove.
Test description: Variants with correct weight.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:14).
github-actions / Test Report
To specific variants / Render again after Add/remove DEFAULT variant ► AddRemoveContentletFromAPage ► Variants with correct weight
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Add-Remove_Contentlet_from_a_Page.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: a23d7cfd-b23a-47df-aa00-123309c61292.
Collection name: Add/Remove Contentlet from a Page.
Request name: To specific variants / Render again after Add/remove DEFAULT variant.
Test description: Variants with correct weight.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:15).
github-actions / Test Report
To specific variants / render page with DEFAULT variant ► AddRemoveContentletFromAPage ► Variants with correct weight
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Add-Remove_Contentlet_from_a_Page.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: a23d7cfd-b23a-47df-aa00-123309c61292.
Collection name: Add/Remove Contentlet from a Page.
Request name: To specific variants / render page with DEFAULT variant.
Test description: Variants with correct weight.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:11).
github-actions / Test Report
To specific variants / render page with new variant ► AddRemoveContentletFromAPage ► Variants with correct weight
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-Add-Remove_Contentlet_from_a_Page.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: a23d7cfd-b23a-47df-aa00-123309c61292.
Collection name: Add/Remove Contentlet from a Page.
Request name: To specific variants / render page with new variant.
Test description: Variants with correct weight.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:12).
github-actions / Test Report
Bring-back call on Template / Check Working Version ► BringBackVersionFeature ► Status code is NOT 200, or error messages were returned
Failed test found in:
/tmp/build-reports-test/build-reports-test-Postman default/dotcms-postman/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-BringBack.postman_collection.xml
AssertionFailure: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
Raw output
Failed 1 times.
Collection JSON ID: 07fa881b-476f-49a9-9e00-997cc61e4840.
Collection name: Bring-Back Version Feature.
Request name: Bring-back call on Template / Check Working Version.
Test description: Status code is NOT 200, or error messages were returned.
Error message: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401.
Stacktrace: AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 401
at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:10).