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chore(core): Expose the editableAsText attribute, even if the metadata file doesn't have it yet #27393 #6705

chore(core): Expose the editableAsText attribute, even if the metadata file doesn't have it yet #27393

chore(core): Expose the editableAsText attribute, even if the metadata file doesn't have it yet #27393 #6705

This check has been archived and is scheduled for deletion. Learn more about checks retention
GitHub Actions / MVN Test Report postman - container succeeded Jan 24, 2024 in 1s

MVN Test Report postman - container ✅

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
dotcms-postman/target/postman-reports/TEST-ContainerResource.postman_collection.xml 8✅ 102s
dotcms-postman/target/postman-reports/TEST-Containers.postman_collection.xml 162✅ 439s

✅ dotcms-postman/target/postman-reports/TEST-ContainerResource.postman_collection.xml

8 tests were completed in 102s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Add Form inside Page / Add Field to Form 6s
Add Form inside Page / Add Form on Page 6s
Add Form inside Page / Create a Form 1✅ 13s
Add Form inside Page / Create Container 1✅ 6s
Add Form inside Page / Create Form Content 1✅ 29s
Add Form inside Page / Create page 1 And Publish 1✅ 10s
Add Form inside Page / Create Template 1✅ 6s
Add Form inside Page / Pubish Templates 1✅ 6s
Get Contentlet in Container 1✅ 3s
Upload $dotPageContent_test bundle 1✅ 16s

✅ dotcms-postman/target/postman-reports/TEST-Containers.postman_collection.xml

162 tests were completed in 439s with 162 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Archive containers - archive 2✅ 6s
Archive containers - Create New Container 2✅ 6s
Archive containers - Get archived containers 2✅ 3s
ArchiveContainer 2✅ 6s
ArchiveContainerInvalidContainer 1✅ 3s
ArchiveContainerNotFoundContainer 1✅ 3s
ArchiveFileContainer 2✅ 9s
Bulk Archive / Archive Container 3✅ 9s
Bulk Archive / Archive Container Invalid ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Bulk Archive / Archive Container Not Found ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Bulk Archive / Create New Container 1 To Archive 2✅ 6s
Bulk Archive / Create New Container 2 To Archive 2✅ 6s
Bulk Archive / Unpublish Container Success 3✅ 9s
Bulk Delete / Create New Container 1 To Delete 2✅ 6s
Bulk Delete / Create New Container 2 To Delete 2✅ 6s
Bulk Delete / Delete Container Failed To Delete Container Id Not Exist 3✅ 3s
Bulk Delete / Delete Container Success 3✅ 9s
Bulk Publish / Create New Container 1 To Publish 2✅ 6s
Bulk Publish / Create New Container 2 To Publish 2✅ 6s
Bulk Publish / Publish Container Success 3✅ 9s
Bulk Publish / Publish Invalid ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Bulk Publish / Publish Not Found ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Bulk Unarchive / Archive Container 3✅ 9s
Bulk Unarchive / Create New Container 1 To Unarchive 2✅ 6s
Bulk Unarchive / Create New Container 2 To Unarchive 2✅ 6s
Bulk Unarchive / Unarchive Container 3✅ 9s
Bulk Unarchive / Unarchive Container Invalid ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Bulk Unarchive / Unarchive Container Not Found ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Bulk Unarchive / Unpublish Container Success 3✅ 9s
Bulk Unpublish / Create New Container 1 To Unpublish 2✅ 6s
Bulk Unpublish / Create New Container 2 To Unpublish 2✅ 6s
Bulk Unpublish / Publish Container Success 3✅ 9s
Bulk Unpublish / Unpublish Container Success 3✅ 9s
Bulk Unpublish / Unpublish Invalid ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Bulk Unpublish / Unpublish Not Found ContainerId 3✅ 3s
Copy / CopyContainer 2✅ 6s
Copy / CopyContainerCreateNewContainer 2✅ 6s
Copy / CopyContainerEmptyId 2✅ 3s
Copy / CopyContainerNotFoundContainer 2✅ 3s
Create new and publish / Create New Container - Success 2✅ 6s
CreateApplicationContainerFolders 3✅ 6s
CreateFileTestContainer 3✅ 9s
CreateNewContainer 2✅ 6s
DeleteContainer 1✅ 6s
DeleteContainerInvalidContainer 1✅ 3s
DeleteContainerNotFoundContainer 1✅ 3s
EditNewContainer 2✅ 6s
EditNewContainerNonFoundContainer 1✅ 3s
EditNewContainerNoUser 1✅ 16ms
Get containers 1✅ 3s
Get containers by content type - success 1✅ 3s
get working / Add Container with containerStructures 2✅ 6s
get working / Get details failed - NotFound 2✅ 3s
get working / Get working with content types- Success 2✅ 3s
GetLive 2✅ 3s
GetLiveByuuid 2✅ 3s
GetLiveByuuid_does_not_exists 1✅ 3s
GetLiveByuuidInvalirContainer 1✅ 3s
GetLiveInvalidContainer 1✅ 3s
GetWorking 2✅ 3s
GetWorkingInvalidContainer 1✅ 3s
invalidateSession 1✅ 3s
pre_ImportBundleWithApplicationContainerFolder 1✅ 14s
Publish 2✅ 6s
PublishFileContainerAgain 2✅ 10s
PublishInvalidContainerId 1✅ 3s
PublishNotFoundContainerId 1✅ 3s
Save new / CreateNewContainer 2✅ 6s
Save new / CreateNewContainer with maxContentlets 0 2✅ 6s
Save new / CreateNewContainer with more than 1 containerStructures 2✅ 6s
SelectDefaultHostAsDefault 1✅ 9s
UnarchiveContainer 2✅ 6s
UnarchiveContainerInvalidContainer 1✅ 3s
UnarchiveContainerNotFoundContainer Copy 1✅ 3s
UnarchiveFileContainer 2✅ 9s
UnPublish Container to archive 2✅ 6s
UnPublishContainer 2✅ 6s
UnPublishContainerInvalidContainerId 1✅ 3s
UnPublishFileContainer 2✅ 9s
UnPublishNotFoundContainerId 1✅ 3s
Update Container / CreateNewContainer with maxContentlets 0 2✅ 6s
Update Container / Edit Containe with code - success 2✅ 6s