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FSKit macOS xcode16.3 b2

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Mar 6, 2025 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2025-02-11 06:12:26
+++ /Applications/	2025-02-26 06:45:24
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 /// A base type that identifies containers and volumes.
-/// An ``FSEntityIdentifier`` is a UUID to identify a container or volume, optionally containing a four- or eight-byte qualifier.
+/// An ``FSEntityIdentifier`` is a UUID to identify a container or volume, optionally with eight bytes of qualifying (differentiating) data.
 /// You use the qualifiers in cases in which a file server can receive multiple connections from the same client, which differ by user credentials.
 /// In this case, the identifier for each client is the server's base UUID, and a unique qualifier that differs by client.
@@ -24,11 +24,9 @@
 - (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid;
 - (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid
-                        data:(NSData *)qualifier;
+                   qualifier:(uint64_t)qualifier;
 - (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid
-               byteQualifier:(const char * _Nonnull)bytes;
-- (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid
-           longByteQualifier:(const char * _Nonnull)bytes;
+                        data:(NSData *)qualifierData;
 @property (copy)                NSUUID  *uuid;
 @property (copy, nullable)      NSData  *qualifier;
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2025-02-11 06:12:25
+++ /Applications/	2025-02-26 06:45:24
@@ -376,17 +376,10 @@
  * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the newly created root item and error = nil.
  *              Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, rootItem is ignored.
--(void)mountWithOptions:(FSTaskParameters *)options
-           replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
-                                 NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+-(void)mountWithOptions:(FSTaskOptions *)options
+           replyHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
--(void)mountWithParameters:(FSTaskParameters *)options
-              replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
-                                    NSError * _Nullable error))reply
  * unmountWithReplyHandler:
@@ -717,17 +710,11 @@
  *             the reply block.  FSKit will cache the root item for the lifetime of the volume instance and
  *             use it as the jumping off point for all file lookups.
--(void)activateWithOptions:(FSTaskParameters *)options
+-(void)activateWithOptions:(FSTaskOptions *)options
               replyHandler:(void (^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
                                      NSError * _Nullable err))reply
--(void)activateWithParameters:(FSTaskParameters *)parameters
-                 replyHandler:(void (^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
-                                     NSError * _Nullable err))reply
  * deactivateWithOptions:replyHandler:
@@ -1128,8 +1115,7 @@
  * - `FSItemDeactivationNever` causes FSKit to not issue `deactivateItem:` calls at all, even
  *  though the volume conforms to `FSVolumeItemDeactivation`.
  * - `FSItemDeactivationAlways` supports cases when the file system needs `deactivateItem:`
- * calls in circumstances other than the above.  If `FSItemDeactivationAlways` is set, all other option
- * bits are ignored; `deactivateItem:` calls are always issued, regardless of the other bits.
+ * calls in all circumstances.  These circumstances may include ones added to FSKit in the future.
  * - `FSItemDeactivationForRemovedItems` supports processing for open-unlinked items at the
  * moment of last close.
  * - `FSItemDeactivationForPreallocatedItems` supports processing for files with preallocated
@@ -1139,9 +1125,9 @@
 typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, FSItemDeactivationOptions) {
     FSItemDeactivationNever                 = 0,
-    FSItemDeactivationAlways                = (1 << 0),
-    FSItemDeactivationForRemovedItems       = (1 << 1),
-    FSItemDeactivationForPreallocatedItems  = (1 << 2),
+    FSItemDeactivationAlways                = NSUIntegerMax, // all bits
+    FSItemDeactivationForRemovedItems       = (1 << 0),
+    FSItemDeactivationForPreallocatedItems  = (1 << 1),
 } NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSVolume.ItemDeactivationOptions);
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