Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2641321 #112439
Build Analysis / Build Analysis
Feb 12, 2025 in 0s
.NET Result Analysis
To unconditionally bypass the build analysis check (turn it green), you can use the escape mechanism feature. The completion time may vary, potentially taking several minutes, depending on the build analysis workload at the moment.
⚠️ The following pipeline(s) will not be analyzed as has been explicited excluded from analysis
Known Infrastructure Errors
Build Failures
runtime / Build / Libraries Test Run release coreclr windows x64 Debug
[ 🚧 Report infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report repository issue]-
❌The job running on agent NetCore-Public 61 ran longer than the maximum time of 150 minutes. For more information, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2077134
runtime / Build / Libraries Test Run release coreclr windows x86 Release
[ 🚧 Report infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report repository issue]-
❌The job running on agent NetCore-Public 45 ran longer than the maximum time of 150 minutes. For more information, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2077134
runtime / Build / browser-wasm windows Release WasmBuildTests
[ 🚧 Report infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report repository issue]-
❌The job running on agent NetCore-Public 174 ran longer than the maximum time of 180 minutes. For more information, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2077134
Known test errors
❌System.Tests.StringTests.StartsWithNoMatch_StringComparison - OSX failure on StringTests.StartsWithNoMatch_StringComparison
❌System.Tests.StringTests.StartsWithNoMatch_StringComparison - System.Runtime.Tests.WorkItemExecution "crash" on tvOS
❌System.Runtime.Tests.WorkItemExecution - OSX failure on StringTests.StartsWithNoMatch_StringComparison
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Net.Http.Functional.Tests.WorkItemExecution - System.Net.Http.Functional.Tests.HttpClientTest.GetStringAsync_CanBeCanceled CI failure
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Net.Http.Functional.Tests.WorkItemExecution - WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Net.Http.Functional.Tests timeout
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Net.WebSockets.Client.Tests.WorkItemExecution - [browser][MT] test failure: Tests timed out. Killing driver service
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Net.WebSockets.Client.Tests.WorkItemExecution - [8.0][browser][wasm] Failed trying to read log messages via selenium: OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown exception was encountered sending an HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Net.WebSockets.Client.Tests.WorkItemExecution - [wasm-mt] MT-System.Net.WebSockets.Client.Tests' END OF WORK ITEM LOG: Command timed out, and was killed
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests.WorkItemExecution - [browser][MT] test failure: Tests timed out. Killing driver service
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests.WorkItemExecution - [8.0][browser][wasm] Failed trying to read log messages via selenium: OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown exception was encountered sending an HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL
❌WasmTestOnChrome-MT-System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests.WorkItemExecution - [browser][MT] System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Tests CI timeouts
The following build(s) were only partially analyzed due to the number of test errors and helix logs:
- [runtime]
Test Failures (316 tests failed)
🔹 [All failing tests from runtime]
❌ Invariant.Tests.WorkItemExecution [Console] [Details] [Artifacts] [1.09% failure rate]
[ 🚧 Report test infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report test repository issue]
This is a helix work item crash with status: DeadLetter. To investigate look the [Console log] / navigate to [Helix Artifacts]
Failing Configuration
❌ Microsoft.XmlSerializer.Generator.Tests.WorkItemExecution [Console] [Details] [Artifacts] [1.14% failure rate]
[ 🚧 Report test infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report test repository issue]
This is a helix work item crash with status: DeadLetter. To investigate look the [Console log] / navigate to [Helix Artifacts]
Failing Configuration
❌ NoWebcil-ST-Wasm.Build.NativeRebuild.Tests.FlagsChangeRebuildTests.WorkItemExecution [Console] [Details] [Artifacts] [2.81% failure rate]
[ 🚧 Report test infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report test repository issue]
This is a helix work item crash with status: DeadLetter. To investigate look the [Console log] / navigate to [Helix Artifacts]
Failing Configuration
❌ NoWebcil-ST-Wasm.Build.NativeRebuild.Tests.NoopNativeRebuildTest.WorkItemExecution [Console] [Details] [Artifacts] [2.58% failure rate]
[ 🚧 Report test infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report test repository issue]
This is a helix work item crash with status: DeadLetter. To investigate look the [Console log] / navigate to [Helix Artifacts]
Failing Configuration
❌ NoWebcil-ST-Wasm.Build.NativeRebuild.Tests.OptimizationFlagChangeTests.WorkItemExecution [Console] [Details] [Artifacts] [2.34% failure rate]
[ 🚧 Report test infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report test repository issue]
This is a helix work item crash with status: DeadLetter. To investigate look the [Console log] / navigate to [Helix Artifacts]
Failing Configuration