You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 445
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET http://www.mywebapi.com/webapi/user?account=laojiu
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> GetUserByAccountAsync(string account);
var api = HttpApi.Create<IMyWebApi>();
var response = await api.GetUserByAccountAsync("laojiu");
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> GetUserByAccountAsync(string account);
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserByAccountAsync(string account);
当方法的返回数据是UserInfo类型的json或xml文本,且响应的Content-Type为application/json或application/xml值时,方法的原有返回类型ITask(Of HttpResponseMessage)就可以声明为ITask(Of UserInfo)。
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu
[JsonReturn] // 指明使用Json处理返回值为UserInfo类型
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserByAccountAsync(string account);
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserByAccountAsync(string account, CancellationToken token);
例如:http://account:[email protected]/path1/?p1=abc#tag
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET http://www.webapiclient.com/laojiu
ITask<string> GetUserByAccountAsync(string account);
某些接口方法将路径的一个分段语意化,比如GET http://www.webapiclient.com/{account}
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET {URI}
ITask<string> GetUserByAccountAsync([Uri] string url);
// GET {URI}?account=laojiu
ITask<string> GetUserByAccountAsync([Uri] string url, string account);
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu&password=123456
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserAsync(string account, string password);
public class LoginInfo
public string Account { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu&password=123456
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserAsync(LoginInfo loginInfo);
public class LoginInfo
public string Account { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu&password=123456&role=admin
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserAsync(LoginInfo loginInfo, string role);
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu&password=123456&role=admin
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserAsync(
[PathQuery]LoginInfo loginInfo,
[PathQuery]string role);
// GET /webapi/user?account=laojiu&password=123456&role=admin
ITask<UserInfo> GetUserAsync(
[Parameter(Kind.Query)]LoginInfo loginInfo,
[Parameter(Kind.Query)]string role);
- 使用[XmlContent]或[Parameter(Kind.XmlBody)]修饰强类型模型参数,表示提交xml
- 使用[JsonContent]或[Parameter(Kind.JsonBody)]修饰强类型模型参数,表示提交json
// POST webapi/user
// Body user的json文本
ITask<UserInfo> AddUserWithJsonAsync([JsonContent] UserInfo user);
// PUT webapi/user
// Body user的xml文本
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithXmlAsync([XmlContent] UserInfo user);
- 使用[FormContent]或[Parameter(Kind.Form)]修饰强类型模型参数
- 使用[FormField]或[Parameter(Kind.Form)]修饰简单类型参数
// POST webapi/user
// Body Account=laojiu&Password=123456
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithFormAsync(
[FormContent] UserInfo user);
// POST webapi/user
// Body Account=laojiu&Password=123456&fieldX=xxx
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithFormAsync(
[FormContent] UserInfo user,
[FormField] string fieldX);
// POST webapi/user
// Body Account=laojiu&Password=123456&fieldX=xxx
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserAsync(
[Parameter(Kind.Form)] UserInfo user,
[Parameter(Kind.Form)] string fieldX);
- 使用[MulitpartContent]或[Parameter(Kind.FormData)]修饰强类型模型参数
- 使用[MulitpartText]或[Parameter(Kind.FormData)]修饰简单类型参数
- 使用MulitpartFile类型作为提交的文件
// POST webapi/user
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithMulitpartAsync(
[MulitpartContent] UserInfo user);
// POST webapi/user
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithMulitpartAsync(
[MulitpartContent] UserInfo user,
[MulitpartText] string nickName,
MulitpartFile file);
// POST webapi/user
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithMulitpartAsync(
[Parameter(Kind.FormData)] UserInfo user,
[Parameter(Kind.FormData)] string nickName,
MulitpartFile file);
// POST webapi/user
// Body Account=laojiu&Password=123456
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithFormAsync(
FormUrlEncodedContent user);
// POST webapi/user
// Body Account=laojiu&Password=123456&age=18
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateUserWithFormAsync(
FormUrlEncodedContent user,
[FormField] int age);
json patch是为客户端能够局部更新服务端已存在的资源而设计的一种标准交互,在RFC6902里有详细的介绍json patch,通俗来讲有以下几个要点:
- 使用HTTP PATCH请求方法;
- 请求body为描述多个opration的数据json内容;
- 请求的Content-Type为application/json-patch+json;
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
Task<UserInfo> PatchAsync(string id, JsonPatchDocument<UserInfo> doc);
var doc = new JsonPatchDocument<UserInfo>();
doc.Replace(item => item.Account, "laojiu");
doc.Replace(item => item.Email, "[email protected]");
var api = HttpApi.Create<IMyWebApi>();
await api.PatchAsync("id001", doc);
public async Task<UserInfo> Patch(string id, [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<UserInfo> doc)
// 此处user是从db查询获得
var user = await GetUserInfoFromDbAsync(id);
return user;
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
// GET http://www.mywebapi.com/webapi/user?_name=laojiu
ITask<string> GetUserByAccountAsync(
[AliasAs("_name")] string account);
public class UserInfo
public string Account { get; set; }
// 别名
public string Password { get; set; }
// 时间格式,优先级最高
[IgnoreWhenNull] // 值为null则忽略序列化
public DateTime? BirthDay { get; set; }
// 忽略序列化
public string Email { get; set; }
// 时间格式
[DateTimeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]
public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> GetByIdAsync(
[Required, StringLength(10)] string id);
public class UserInfo
[StringLength(10, MinimumLength = 1)]
public string Account { get; set; }
[StringLength(10, MinimumLength = 6)]
public string Password { get; set; }
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateWithJsonAsync(
[JsonContent] UserInfo user);
ITask<UserInfo> UpdateWithJsonAsync(
[Required, JsonContent] UserInfo user);
- 修饰接口时,表示接口下的所有方法在请求前都会添加这个请求头;
- 修饰方法时,表示此方法在请求前添加这个请求头;
- 修饰参数时,表示参数的值将做为请求头的值,由调用者动态传入;
- 方法级比接口级优先级高;
- AllowMultiple为true时,方法级和接口级都生效;
- AllowMultiple为false时,方法级的生效,接口级的无效;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WebApiClient;
using WebApiClient.Attributes;
using WebApiClient.DataAnnotations;
using WebApiClient.Parameterables;
namespace petstore.swagger
/// <summary>
/// Everything about your Pets
/// </summary>
public interface IPetApi : IHttpApi
/// <summary>
/// Add a new pet to the store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">Pet object that needs to be added to the store</param>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> AddPetAsync([Required] [JsonContent] Pet body);
/// <summary>
/// Update an existing pet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">Pet object that needs to be added to the store</param>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> UpdatePetAsync([Required] [JsonContent] Pet body);
/// <summary>
/// Finds Pets by status
/// </summary>
/// <param name="status">Status values that need to be considered for filter</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<List<Pet>> FindPetsByStatusAsync([Required] IEnumerable<Anonymous> status);
/// <summary>
/// Finds Pets by tags
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tags">Tags to filter by</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<List<Pet>> FindPetsByTagsAsync([Required] IEnumerable<string> tags);
/// <summary>
/// Find pet by ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="petId">ID of pet to return</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<Pet> GetPetByIdAsync([Required] long petId);
/// <summary>
/// Updates a pet in the store with form data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="petId">ID of pet that needs to be updated</param>
/// <param name="name">Updated name of the pet</param>
/// <param name="status">Updated status of the pet</param>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> UpdatePetWithFormAsync([Required] long petId, [FormContent] string name, [FormContent] string status);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes a pet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="api_key"></param>
/// <param name="petId">Pet id to delete</param>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> DeletePetAsync([Header("api_key")] string api_key, [Required] long petId);
/// <summary>
/// uploads an image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="petId">ID of pet to update</param>
/// <param name="additionalMetadata">Additional data to pass to server</param>
/// <param name="file">file to upload</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
[TraceFilter(Enable = false)]
ITask<ApiResponse> UploadFileAsync([Required] long petId, [MulitpartContent] string additionalMetadata, MulitpartFile file);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WebApiClient;
using WebApiClient.Attributes;
using WebApiClient.DataAnnotations;
using WebApiClient.Parameterables;
namespace petstore.swagger
/// <summary>
/// Operations about user
/// </summary>
public interface IUserApi : IHttpApi
/// <summary>
/// Create user
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">Created user object</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> CreateUserAsync([Required] [JsonContent] User body);
/// <summary>
/// Creates list of users with given input array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">List of user object</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> CreateUsersWithArrayInputAsync([Required] [JsonContent] IEnumerable<User> body);
/// <summary>
/// Creates list of users with given input array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">List of user object</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> CreateUsersWithListInputAsync([Required] [JsonContent] IEnumerable<User> body);
/// <summary>
/// Logs user into the system
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username">The user name for login</param>
/// <param name="password">The password for login in clear text</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<string> LoginUserAsync([Required] string username, [Required] string password);
/// <summary>
/// Logs out current logged in user session
/// </summary>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> LogoutUserAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Get user by user name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username">The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.</param>
/// <returns>successful operation</returns>
ITask<User> GetUserByNameAsync([Required] string username);
/// <summary>
/// Updated user
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username">name that need to be updated</param>
/// <param name="body">Updated user object</param>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> UpdateUserAsync([Required] string username, [Required] [JsonContent] User body);
/// <summary>
/// Delete user
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username">The name that needs to be deleted</param>
ITask<HttpResponseMessage> DeleteUserAsync([Required] string username);