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GQLSpection - parses GraphQL introspection schema and generates possible queries


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CLI tool and Python 2.7+ compatible library for parsing GraphQL introspection query and automatic query generation.

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GQLSpection is available on PyPI (Python 2.7 and Python 3+ versions are supported).

Regular installation:

$ pip install gqlspection[cli]

Usage of the CLI tool

Load schema from file and print all query and mutation names in the schema:

$ gqlspection -f schema.json -l all

Send introspection query and generate queries & mutations for everything:

$ gqlspection -u https://.../graphql

Generate a single query:

$ gqlspection -u https://.../graphql -q something

Generate a number of mutations:

$ gqlspection -f schema.json -m one,two,three

Full help

$ ./gqlspection -h
Usage: gqlspection [OPTIONS]

  -f, --file TEXT      File with the GraphQL schema (introspection JSON).
  -u, --url TEXT       URL of the GraphQL endpoint with enabled introspection.

  -l, --list TEXT      Parse GraphQL schema and list queries, mutations or
                       both of them (valid values are: 'queries', 'mutations'
                       or 'all').

  -q, --query TEXT     Only print named queries (argument is a comma-separated
                       list of query names).

  -m, --mutation TEXT  Only print named mutations (argument is a comma-
                       separated list of mutation names).

  -Q, --all-queries    Only print queries (by default both queries and
                       mutations are printed).

  -M, --all-mutations  Only print mutations (by default both queries and
                       mutations are printed).

  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

Usage of the Python library

Import the library:

>>> from gqlspection import GQLSchema

Send introspection query and print a single query:

>>> schema = GQLSchema(url='https://.../graphql')
>>> query = schema.generate_query('SOME_TYPE')
>>> print(query.str)

Parse introspection schema from a JSON file and print all mutations:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> import json
>>> data = json.loads(Path(FILE_NAME).read_text())
>>> schema = GQLSchema(json=data)
>>> for field in schema.mutation.fields:
>>>     print(schema.generate_mutation(field).str())


Installation with development dependencies from git repo:

$ git clone
$ cd GQLSpection
$ virtualenv venv
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e ".[dev]"
$ # Only needed in ZSH to locate newly added binaries:
$ rehash
$ pre-commit install

Using runme

Install runme from (through cargo install --force runme or by grabbing a binary release). Get a list of preinstalled development commands by running runme in the source dir:

$ runme

  deps                    Install development dependencies
  test                    Run tests
  jython.install          Install Jython to jython/
  jython.clean            Cleanup after Jython
  jython.test             Run tests to check Jython compatibility [aliases: jython]
  lint                    Run linters
  clean                   Cleanup bytecode and cache files
  coverage.calculate      Run pytest with coverage calculation [aliases: coverage]
  coverage.github_action  Generate comment body with coverage for Github Action
  build                   Build the python release (files go to dist/)
  publish.pypi            Publish release to PyPI
  publish.github          Publish release to Github
  release                 Make a new release


GQLSpection - parses GraphQL introspection schema and generates possible queries







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