Here is a sample GNU/Linux bash script that monitors a computer system and user activity regularly and logs key information. The script “” automatically and regularly writes to a log file “SysMonitor.log”.
The log file contains time-stamped detailed information about significant changes to the
Users currently logged in
Current processes
Top 5 CPU utilising processes
Devices plugged in (e.g. USB)
Disk usage:
Overall disk usage
The user’s home directory (/home/someuser…)
Network interfaces and their states
- The script extracts key details about the changes to the computer system such as listed above and adds them to an ever-growing log file.
- I did not have to do any SUDO install as was achived using only common pre-installed command line tools and did not rely on additional programs / tools / libraries /.
- The log file consists of easily readable key details following popular conventional log patterns.