- Type about:config
- Search for
and decrease it
Apparently Google DNS server is faster: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns
Improve audio with this https://medium.com/@gamunu/enable-high-quality-audio-on-linux-6f16f3fe7e1f
This link is helpful to sign the vbox modules.
- tstock: stock charts in terminal
- bitwise: bitwise calculations and conversions
- preload: quickstart apps with RAM
- TLP: battery saver
- ksuperkey: remap windows key
- kitty: terminal emulator
- spotifytui: spotify player in terminal
- spotifyd: spotify client as a unix daemon
- cava: terminal audio visualizer
- neofetch: display system info
- onefetch: display github repo info
- bottom: display cpu stats etc.
- cowsay: print messages said by a cow
- cmatrix: display matrix animation
- onedrive: cli OneDrive client
- polybar: highly customizable top status bar
- Unite Gnome shell extension: remove window titles in Gnome
- neovim: vim editor but better
- pureline: terminal prompt that looks cool
- zathura: pdf reader
- rofi: app launcher
- spicetify: customize spotify client
- Pywal: wallpaper/theme setter
- figlet: ASCII text banners in terminal