Computer Generated Verse
npm install
to install the library dependenciesnpm run build
to build the cgv librarycd web
to move into the frontend foldernpm run install
to install the frontend dependenciesnpm run dev
to start the frontend
now access http://localhost:3000/shape or http://localhost:3000/arithmetic to access the respective domain editor
contains the source code for the core library including the domains insrc/domains
contains the frontend code in react (the pages for the respective editors)
*The language expresses procedural, conditional, stochastic grammars, which are represented as a list of Rules
The grammar is defined in
- like in CGA ("Lot --> Building")- begins with the name of the rule - called
- followed by
- followed by
Parallel Executions
- begins with the name of the rule - called
Parallel Execution
- similar to CGA ("Building --> comp(f){ front : FrontFacade | side : SideFacade | top: Roof}")- seperates
Sequential Executions
(vertical bar)
- seperates
Sequential Execution
- like in CGA ("Lot --> extrude(height) Building")- seperates
- seperates
- like in CGA ("color(wallColor)")- begins with the operation name (name is domain specific)
- followed by opening bracket
, theParameters
and a closing bracket)
- like in CGA ("s(1,1,0.1)")- seperates
Parallel Executions
using commas,
- seperates
- constants can be numbers (
), strings (using quotation""
) and booleans (true/false)
- constants can be numbers (
- using
the variable with the namename
can be retriveved - WIP writing to a variable called
can be done usingthis.<name> = 1
- using
Special Tokens
- does nothing - used to represent the current value (similar to this in OOP)return
- returns out of the current symbol and back to where the symbol was called - terminates the execution of the current symbol prematurely (similar to most programming lanuages)+ - * /
- arithemtic operators (similar to most programming languages)> < == <= >=
- comparison operators (similar to most programming languages)&& || !
- boolean operators (similar to most programming languages)if then else switch case
- conditional operators (similar to most programming languages)
Except for the parallel and sequential execution the precendence of all operators is implemented according to the operator precendence in c++ ( Operator precedence is common and equal for most programming langugages.
grammar - a set of rules
rule - a sequence of steps
step - alters the current value done by a operator/constant/symbol
operators - identifies a function defined in the domain, which take the current value and the given parameters and returns the new current value
constant - identifies a constant
variable - memorized value bound to the current value/context and identified with a name
symbol - executes the rule identified by the symbol and sets the result as the new current value
domain - set of operations and valid constants in a certain area of knowledge (e.g. 3d objects / shapes with operators like extrude)
input - starting value (domain value)
parameters - values accessible throughout the grammar interpretion to influence the outcome
attributes - define parameters (e.g. name, type, min, max, ...) to make them editable in a UI
parse - the grammar definition in text form is parsed into a interpretable object representation
interprete - executes the steps defined in the grammar on the input, respecting the inserted parameters and returning the result
sequential step - the input value is mutated
parallel step - the input is split/cloned into multiple values
premature termination - the interpretion is cancelled before all possible steps are exhausted (reducing execution time but returning an unfinished/earlier result)
a --> { 90%: 1 | a 10%: 0 }
Premature termination
the following example returns 10 since the execution is terminated before the current value is changed to 20
a --> 10 return 20
currently not working, cause the event operator is missing
a --> 1 + 2 max | 4 max
max --> event("a => {
let max = 0
let maxI = 0
let maxII = 0;
a.forEach((b, i) => b.forEach((c, ii) => {
if(c > max) {
max = c
maxI = i
maxII = ii
return, i) => maxI === i ? b.filter((c,ii) => maxII === ii) : [])
Building a Cube
a --> face(point2(0, 100), point2(0, 0), point2(100, 0), point2(100, 100)) -> extrude(100)
a --> point2(0, 0) -> right -> (this | toPoints() -> select(1, 2) -> (right | left) -> (this | toPoints() -> select(1, 2) -> left -> (this | toPoints() -> select(1, 2) -> right -> (this | toPoints() -> select(1, 2) -> left))))
left --> rotate(0, 45, 0) -> extrude(30)
right --> rotate(0, -45, 0) -> extrude(30)
forward --> extrude(30)
a --> mapbox() -> t
t --> translate(0, 10, 0) -> { 50%: t 50%: this }
Start --> face(point2(358.16, -152.34), point2(288.3, -30.32), point2(269.68, -117.46)) -> sample(10) -> load("/cgv/tree.gltf") -> scale(100, 100, 100)
City 1
(currently not working - reimplementation of expand and sample)
City --> if(this.type == "road") then Road else Building
Road --> expand(20) (this | sample(30) load("/tree.gltf"))
Building --> expand(200)
Task 1
Start --> face(point2(26.09, 136.11), point2(29.84, 51.57), point2(110.36, 53.93), point2(107.5, 136.39)) -> Lot
Lot --> color("#333343") -> extrude(60) -> toFaces() -> if index() < 4 then { Wall } else { Roof }
Wall --> split("z", 20) -> Floor
Roof --> color("#881111") -> extrude(30) -> gableRoof()
Floor --> split("x", 20) -> WindowFrame
WindowFrame --> if size("x") >= 15 then { multiSplit("x", 5, 10) -> switch index() { case 0: this case 1: if id( ) == "0,0,1,1" then { multiSplit("z", 0, 18) } else { multiSplit("z", 5, 10) } -> switch index() { case 0: this case 1: Window case 2: this } case 2: this } } else { this }
Window --> if id( ) == "0,0,1,1,1" then { color("#964808") } else { color("#EEEEEE") }
Task 2
City --> color("#333343") extrude(random(400, 600)) toFaces() (select(0, 4) Wall | select(4, 5) Roof)
Wall --> splitZ(random(150, 250)) Floor
Roof --> color("#8881111")
Floor --> if (size("z") >= 140)
then (
splitX(random(150, 250)) WindowFrame
else this
WindowFrame --> if (size("x") >= 150)
then (
multiSplitX(40, 100) switch index()
case 0: this
case 1: (
multiSplitZ(50, 100) switch index()
case 0: this
case 1: Window
case 2: this
case 2: this
else this
Window --> color("#EEEEEE")
Task 3
City --> color(0x333343) if (this.blockId == 0) then LowBuilding else HighBuilding
HighBuilding --> extrude(random(800, 1200)) Building
LowBuilding --> extrude(random(200, 600)) Building
Building --> toFaces() (select(0, 4) Wall | select(4, 5) Roof)
Roof --> if (this.blockId == 0) then color(0x8881111) else color(0x111111)
Wall --> splitZ(random(190, 250)) Floor
Floor --> if (size("z") >= 190)
then (
splitX(200) if (this.blockId == 0) then SmallTile else BigTile
else this
BigTile --> if (size("x") >= 200)
then (
multiSplitX(10, 190) switch index()
case 0: this
case 1: (
multiSplitZ(40, 150) switch index()
case 0: this
case 1: Window
case 2: this
case 2: this
else this
SmallTile --> if (size("x") >= 180)
then (
multiSplitX(50, 100) switch index()
case 0: this
case 1: (
multiSplitZ(50, 100) switch index()
case 0: this
case 1: Window
case 2: this
case 2: this
else this
Window --> extrude(-20) toFaces() (select(0, 4) | select(4, 5) color(0xEEEEEE))
Start --> face(point2(-23.93, 66.93), point2(-32.02, 56.24), point2(-10.81, 37.99), point2(-0.33, 45.46)) -> Lot
Lot --> color("#333343") -> extrude(6) -> toFaces() -> if index() < 4 then { Wall } else { Roof }
Wall --> split("z", 20) -> Floor
Roof --> color("#881111") -> extrude(5) -> gableRoof(-45)
Floor --> split("x", 20) -> WindowFrame
WindowFrame --> if size("x") >= 15 then { multiSplit("x", 5, 10) -> switch index() { case 0: this case 1: if id( ) == "0,0,1,1" then { multiSplit("z", 0, 18) } else { multiSplit("z", 5, 10) } -> switch index() { case 0: this case 1: Window case 2: this } case 2: this } } else { this }
Window --> if id( ) == "0,0,1,1,1" then { color("#964808") } else { color("#EEEEEE") }
Start --> expandGraph(20, line(point2(205.09, -7.75), point2(97.35, -6.38)), line(point2(-1.91, -198.75), point2(-98.57, -98.43)), line(point2(-145.86, 23.73), point2(-100, -100)), line(point2(-100, -100), point2(97.62, -7.15))) -> (sample(2) -> load("/cgv/car.gltf") -> scale(6, 6, 6) -> rotate(0, 90, 0) | this -> color("#8f8f8f"))
Start --> face(point2(46.06, -86.66), point2(128.51, -68.68), point2(116.58, -11.81), point2(46.7, 2.21), point2(11.59, -22.09), point2(36.35, -60.33)) -> (sample(50) -> load("/cgv/tree.gltf") -> scale(20, 20, 20) | color("#63bf31"))