Releases: drelhaj/OsmanReadability
Osman Readability Metric Runnable 3.0
I have updated the GUI the runnable version of Osman on 14/August/2020.
The new version runs much faster.
Please note we no longer use Farasa Diacritiser due to issues with loading and copy-right restrictions that prevented us from using Farasa within our code, therefore the decision was to stop using Farasa and any of its components.
This version does not use a diacritiser and it's better if your text is already diacrticised. If not Osman will do that for you by estimating the number of syllables even when no diacritics are added in. We got you sorted 👍
To run, download Osman2020.jar file to your machine. To run the jar file write the following on your command line application (CMD):
java -jar Osman2020.jar
If your Windows machine/java is not displaying Arabic, the tool will not run correctly. You can fix that by running the following:
1- Change the locale to Arabic as in the video (I know it’s not the best video :)){optional but helps sometimes}.
2- Run the following command “set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS =-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8” in the CMD window.
3- Then run the tool in UTF8 format: “java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar osman2020.jar”
NOTE: I'm receiving many questions that are related to Arabic encoding. I added some description above to help you run in Windows. Please make sure you set the encoding to UTF-8 and also if you are uploading a text file make sure the file is in UTF-8 encoding. Please do not email me unless you have looked this up on stackoverflow. In java environment options this can look like:
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
Osman Readability Metric Runnable 2.0
This updated runnable includes Farasa as a diacritizer instead of Mishkal and also uses regEx to split words and sentences instead of Stanford segmenter.
Osman Readability Metric Runnable 1.0
I have created a runnable jar file so you can test our readability metrics without the need of a pre-knowledge of any java programming. Unzip the file and double click Osman.jar to run the tool gui.