Install nvm and Node.js.
git, curl, build-essential, libssl-dev. Requirements are installed by the role.
nvm version tag, orHEAD
Node.js version.nvm_install_path
nvm folder path. Defaults to~/.nvm
Version default values can be found in defaults/main.yml
No dependencies.
- hosts: servers
- role: drunomics.nvm
nvm_version: 0.33.2
nvm_node_version: 6.10.*
For npm and node executables to be found, nvm needs to alter the PATH. The role does so by altering ~/.bashrc. If system-wide installation is enabled, the global bashrc and /etc/environment is adapted.
However, ansible does not always pick the changed PATH variable up; e.g. when
using the docker connection plugin. To make use of npm in ansible, the PATH
variable must be adjusted accordingly. The role provides the fact nvm_bin_dir
such that it can be done as follows:
shell: echo "This works with every task."
PATH: "{{ nvm_bin_dir }}:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}"
This is role forked from Jarno Keskikangas ( and