Grave is a graph visualization package combining ideas from Matplotlib, NetworkX, and seaborn. Its goal is to provide a network drawing API that covers the most use cases with sensible defaults and simple style configuration. Currently, it supports drawing graphs from NetworkX.
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- Mailing list:!forum/networkx-discuss
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Here, we create a graph and color the nodes in its minimum weighted dominating set:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms.approximation.dominating_set import min_weighted_dominating_set
from grave import plot_network
network = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(50, 1, .2)
dom_set = min_weighted_dominating_set(network)
for node, node_attrs in network.nodes(data=True):
node_attrs['is_dominator'] = True if node in dom_set else False
def color_dominators(node_attrs):
if node_attrs.get('is_dominator', False):
return {'color': 'red'}
return {'color': 'black'}
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plot_network(network, node_style=color_dominators)
The result:
Released under the 3-Clause BSD license (see LICENSE).