Application for classification of names in various languages
pip install -r requirements.txt
python scripts/
This will save the weights file in the current directory. Training takes a few mins on CPU.
Example of ruunning the script:
python scripts/ Quang
Output will look like so
(-0.02) Vietnamese
(-4.66) Chinese
(-5.43) Korean
uvicorn scripts.api:app --host HOST --port PORT
Start cluster
minikube start
Configure to use minikube's docker-daemon
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
docker build -f Dockerfile -t classifier .
helm install release1 classifier
Get top N
most likely labels for the given name
(default N = 5), and the scores associated with each label.
If N
is too big (bigger than number of available labels), the response will contain all available labels.
curl -X GET http://{minikube_ip}:nodePort/{name}?n=N