A CircuitPython Library that allows scrolling text to be displayed on a neopixel matrix (or other ws2812). Tested on CircuitPython 4 with a 8x8 ws2812 matrix.
This requires the font5x8.bin file in the root directory and the neopixel and adafruit_framebuf libraries to be in the lib folder of the CIRCUITPY drive.
To use:
- import NeoMat_Text.
- initalise e.g: mat = NeoMat_Test.Matrix(pin, width, height, color)
- pass it text to the .scroll function e.g: mat.scroll("Banana")
The text currently scrolls as fast as it can (about .2s per frame on an nrf52840 running circuitpython 4.0.1)
See examples for a usable example.