This project helps you manage your command line. Create favourite directories with ease Use regex to navigate Autocomplete on your favourite directories add script to your /bin hc -s 'executable name' 'type your command here' ???use -sb to have helios save the command internally instead of putting a script in your bin.
hc -e /folder/path/ to export your settings hc -i /dir/path/ to import settings
hc -f nickname /path/to/directory
helios will prioritize nickname directories over those in the current folder when using helios cd
hc -f will show your your favorite directories and their nicknames.
use hc -r for a regex directory search - it will use the first match it finds and navigate there -f will also favourite this path
hc -h will output a history of nav hc -h 1 will naviagte to the absolute dir of the last directory navigated to