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Timed Code Quiz

M.I.T. License use

code quiz screenshot


A timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions built from scratch that use JavaScript and APIs.

View the deployed application here.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • APIs


  1. App will run in the browser,
  2. Will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code that you write.
  3. Will have a clean, polished, and responsive user interface.


The following instructions were based on a User Story and the following acceptance criteria:

User Story

AS A coding boot camp student
I WANT to take a timed quiz on JavaScript fundamentals that stores high scores
SO THAT I can gauge my progress compared to my peers

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am taking a code quiz
WHEN I click the start button
THEN a timer starts and I am presented with a question
WHEN I answer a question
THEN I am presented with another question
WHEN I answer a question incorrectly
THEN time is subtracted from the clock
WHEN all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0
THEN the game is over
WHEN the game is over
THEN I can save my initials and score


After last week's assignment, we all needed psychic repair. After a much needed day-off, I decided to try a different approach to this week's assignment: I would create a flowchart to break down each element of the quiz. The hope is that the flowshart will help me better understand and organize the JavaScript code. In addition to focusing on a flowchart, I also focused on making more universal and specific element ID names in order to make each file's code more readable and understandable. Redundancies is JavaScript and CSS can be the death of can inconsistent variable names...and just not knowing what to google :)

View quiz: JavaScript Quiz

JavaScript Quiz Start


The following animation demonstrates the application functionality:

code quiz screenshot code quiz screenshot code quiz screenshot code quiz screenshot


Dana Smooke



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A timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions.







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