This is a simple Chip-8 emulator written in C. This is made purely for educational purposes and the code is intended to be as clear and readable as possible.
Just run make
and then execute ./chp8 somerom.ch8
The project requires SDL2 and GLEW.
- Display
- ROM Disassembly view and step-by-step debugger
- Memory view
- Both on-screen and keyboard input
The keyboard is mapped to the Chip-8 keypad as follows:
(Thanks HackADay for the picture, out of coincidence we ended up using the same mapping)
(In no particular order)
- Add Sound
- Add feedback when pressing keys in the on-screen keyboard
- Fix screen's refresh-rate
- Fix input's rate
The code is intented to be self-explanatory, for more information about Chip-8 you can read:
- Ignacio Losiggio (@iglosiggio) for writing a big part of the GUI
- Cowgod for his Chip-8 Reference