GH Dorker is picking up where several GitHub dorking tools leave off. Many of these dorkers grow stale and old becuase the code is very tangled and intertwined. GH-Dorker is building on the work of several other dorkers and creating a more modular approach.
- Install with pip
pip install ghdorker
- (Optional) you can either export an environment variable named "GH_TOKEN" or include it in a local .env file to ensure you can make the most requests. See "Creating a personal access token" for more information on how to do so.
usage: ghdorker [-h] [-v] [-s {repo,user,org}] [-d DORKS] [--debug] [-o OUTPUT_FILENAME] [--options INPUT_OPTION [INPUT_OPTION ...]] search
Search github for github dorks
positional arguments:
search The repo, username, or organization you would like to search
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-s {repo,user,org}, --scope {repo,user,org}
The type of GitHub object you would like to search
-d DORKS, --dorks DORKS
Github dorks file. Eg: dorks.txt/.yaml
--debug Set this if you would like to see verbose logging.
File to write results to. This overwrites the file provided! Accepts .json or .csv as output file types.
YAML Options to target for dorking for example:
Use responsibly, Enjoy pentesting
Here is a simple example:
# The source is a repo and it is running against the gh_dorks_test.txt file
ghdorker -s repo -d samples/dorks.txt dtaivpp/NewsTicker
Additionally you can create a yaml config file like so for using only specific dorks on repos.
- filename:.dockercfg auth
- filename:id_rsa or filename:id_dsa
- filename:.npmrc _auth
- datafilename:.dockercfg auth
- dataextension:pem private
- extension:ppk private
- password
- filename:.bash_profile aws
- extension:json googleusercontent client_secret
This would run all the dorks that fall under the cloud section of the YAML.
ghdorker -s repo dtaivpp/NewsTicker -d samples/dorks.yaml --options
This would run all the dorks that fall under the aws and the identity sections. It's okay to duplicate entries under different sections as on the backend it is checking each entry for uniqueness.
ghdorker -s repo dtaivpp/NewsTicker -d samples/dorks.yaml --options all.identiy
And finally here is an example of how you could output the results to either a json or csv file.
ghdorker -s user dtaivpp -d samples/dorks.yaml --options all.test -o output.json
This is always output to the console:
2021-11-18 06:47:57,847 - dork: password user:dtaivpp, repository: dtaivpp/gh-dorker, path: samples/dorks.yaml, score: 1.0
2021-11-18 06:47:57,848 - dork: password user:dtaivpp, repository: dtaivpp/gh-dorker, path:, score: 1.0
2021-11-18 06:48:05,171 - dork: extension:md user:dtaivpp, repository: dtaivpp/dtaivpp, path:, score: 1.0
2021-11-18 06:48:05,172 - dork: extension:md user:dtaivpp, repository: dtaivpp/gh-dorker, path:, score: 1.0
2021-11-18 06:48:05,172 - dork: extension:md user:dtaivpp, repository: dtaivpp/gh-dorker, path:, score: 1.0
2021-11-18 06:48:05,172 - dork: extension:md user:dtaivpp, repository: dtaivpp/OpenSearch-Utilization, path:, score: 1.0
2021-11-18 06:48:05,172 - dork: extension:md user:dtaivpp, repository: dtaivpp/DevOps-Template, path:, score: 1.0
And in addition here is what it looks like as JSON:
"dork": " password user:dtaivpp",
"repository": "dtaivpp/gh-dorker",
"path": "samples/dorks.yaml",
"score": 1.0
"dork": " password user:dtaivpp",
"repository": "dtaivpp/gh-dorker",
"path": "",
"score": 1.0
"dork": "extension:md user:dtaivpp",
"repository": "dtaivpp/dtaivpp",
"path": "",
"score": 1.0
"dork": "extension:md user:dtaivpp",
"repository": "dtaivpp/gh-dorker",
"path": "",
"score": 1.0
"dork": "extension:md user:dtaivpp",
"repository": "dtaivpp/gh-dorker",
"path": "",
"score": 1.0
As an aside, rate limiting is already built into the codebase. It will not allow you to make more requests than allowable. GH-Dorker grabs your real rate limits live from GitHub so it will make the maximim amount of requests permittable in a given timeframe.
For how to contribute please see
Reference points for creating GitDorker and compiling dorks lists