- a notification program for org files using ntfy, see ntfy.sh
- intended to be run on a minutely systemd timer
- packaged with nix
- There are plenty of features that are not fully fleshed out yet.
- PRs welcome with every issue!
* plain timestamps
<2025-02-22 Sat>
* plain Scheduled timestamps
SCHEDULED: <2025-02-22 Sat>
* Scheduled timestamps with a repeater
SCHEDULED: <2025-02-22 Sat ++1w>
* plain deadline timestamps
DEADLINE: <2025-02-22 Sat>
* deadline timestamps with a warning
DEADLINE: <2025-02-22 Sat -1d>
nix develop
- in the devshell, run pytest
- after making a change, add a relevant test
- a git repo containing your org files
- ssh access to this git repo
- the correct keys replaced in the ./ssh-keys directory
- the values with warnings replaced in the flake
- the correct environment variable exported
- NTFY_URL - ntfy url
nix build .#docker --impure
Ensure dockerd is running
Load into docker:
docker import result/tarball/nixos-system-*.tar.xz org-notifer
Boots into systemd
docker run --privileged -it org-notifer /init
Log into the container
docker exec -it <container-name> /run/current-system/sw/bin/bash
Load into docker
docker import result/tarball/nixos-system-*.tar.xz org-notifer
Tag the image
docker tag org-notifer <your-dockerhub-username>/org-notifer:<tag>
Login to Docker Hub
docker login
Push the image to Docker Hub
docker push <your-dockerhub-username>/org-notifer:<tag>