Use Roboto Mono as font for user interface.
Fixed bug in tenant filtering of requests and stubs screen.
When a single stub has been generated and will be opened in the stub form, place it in the stub form as a single stub.
Added separate stub form helpers for JSON, XML, HTML, plain text and Base64.
Added CodeMirror editor input for response body helpers.
When updating the response body using one of the response body helpers, immediately insert the body in the stub.
Added placeholder text when there are no requests or stubs.
Disable mutation buttons on stubs screen when no stubs are currently visible.
Animate on routing.
Renamed a few variable handlers to more logical names.
Fixed spacing bug with sidebar and main content. The content now does not go outside of the main content anymore.
When URL in request is too long, break it up instead of letting it go outside of the current view.
Many changes to make the UI more mobile friendly (fixed the sidebar, fixed the stub form etc.)
Small fixes for PWA.
You can’t perform that action at this time.