This project demonstrates how to use Terraform to create multiple dataproc clusters that use the same, shared, hivemetastore. It is essentially a demonstration of how to use Terraform to achieve the same as what is being demonstrated at Using Apache Hive on Cloud Dataproc using gcloud
Ensure you have enabled the relevant APIs:
by issuing gcloud services enable
The project can be deployed by issuing
gcloud init #choose the project that you will be deploying to
gcloud services enable
export GCP_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
gsutil mb gs://${GCP_PROJECT}-tf-state #terraform state bucket used as the back-end for the Google provider
make init apply
and destroy using
make destroy
To generate a graph displaying all the resources in this terraform project run
docker build -t graphwiz . &&
terraform graph -type=plan > &&
docker run -v $(PWD):/tmp graphwiz dot /tmp/ -Tpng -o /tmp/graph.png &&
Here is the latest committed state of that graph: