A Python toolkit for analyzing and visualizing code structure, dependencies, and generating directory trees. treeline helps developers understand codebases through ASCII tree representations, interactive dependency graphs, and structural diff visualizations.
pip install treeline
from treeline import treeline
# Generate and print tree structure
# Generate tree and save to markdown file
treeline("/path/to/directory", create_md=True)
# Advanced code analysis
from treeline.dependency_analyzer import ModuleDependencyAnalyzer
from treeline.diff_visualizer import DiffVisualizer
from pathlib import Path
# Analyze code dependencies
analyzer = ModuleDependencyAnalyzer()
# Generate interactive visualization
with open("dependencies.html", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# Compare code structure between git commits
visualizer = DiffVisualizer()
diff_html = visualizer.generate_structural_diff("HEAD^", "HEAD")
with open("code_diff.html", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# Show current directory tree
# Show specific directory tree
treeline /path/to/dir
# Create markdown file + report in html format (tree.md)
treeline -m
# Ignore specific patterns
treeline -i ".pyc,.git"
# Show help message
treeline -h
# Hide all code structure details
treeline --hide-structure
# Hide function parameters
treeline --no-params
the .treeline-ignore will ignore whatever is in the folder.
Place .treeline-ignore in any directory to apply rules to that directory and its subdirectories.
# Ignore all .pyc files
# Ignore specific directories
# Ignore specific files
Create a treeline.config.json to customize analysis settings:
"complexity_threshold": 10,
"ignore_patterns": [".pyc", ".git"],
"relationship_types": ["imports", "calls", "contains"],
"visualization": {
"layout": "force-directed",
"theme": "light"
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b branch)
- Commit your changes (git commit -m 'cool stuff')
- Push to the branch (git push origin branch)
- Open a Pull Request
- https://peps.python.org/
- https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/
- https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html