Protolipse is an Eclipse editor plugin for working with Google's Protocol Buffers (proto2).
Version: 0.0.1 (in dev)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Used techniques/tools:
- Eclipse 4.5.0 (Mars)
- Xtext 2.8.3
- Xtend 2.8.3
- Java 1.7
Latest release: 0.0.1
- Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers for your OS.
- Clone this repository.
- Launch Eclipse and set the directory where your cloned the repository as root.
- Import existing projects into your workspace.
- The four projects of Protolipse should now be in your workspace ready to be edited.
- To launch an Eclipse instance with Protolipse; right click on the protolipse.ui project and select Run As > Eclipse Application.