For starts this project you need install Docker and start a MySQL docker Image.
Open the terminal and follow the steps:
sudo docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root --name mysql -d mysql:8.0
Find the container Id:
sudo docker ps -a
Access the container:
sudo docker exec -it {idDoContainer} bin/bash
In docker:
mysql -u root -p
Password: root
In mysql, create a database:
create database FuelConsumption;
After that is just run the project.
This objective of this project is create fuel consumption management application (API) for small transportation company.
- Spring Boot 2.7.1
- Java 8
- JUnit 5
- Gradle
- Docker
For use this API you need follow the steps below:
Any parameter wrong will receive an Bad_Request HTTP.
- JSON Format:
"fuel": “DIESEL”,
“volume”: “5”,
“value”: “3.75”
“date” “01.21.2018”
The Get will return all fuel consumption grouping by month: