A tool for generating and post processing OpenFOAM cases for urban wind analysis. It had been tested on Ubunutu 20.04 and OpenFOAM v8 from https://openfoam.org/. You must have OpenFOAM installed and working to use this. Urbafoam is primarily designed for doing quick indicative studies of urban wind comfort and will make certain assumptions and take certain shortcuts to speed up the simulation, and while these should work in the general case they might not always be correct in your case. If you're going to be using the results for something important you should get someone that knows CFD to look it over
Quick start
urbafoam setup --quality (quick|normal) --model /path/to/buildings.stl outdir
where buildings.stl is a 3d model of the buildings you want to run your wind simulation on. Currently only stl format is accepted. Urbafoam assumes that the ground is a plane at height 0 and all buildings are resting on that plane. The buildings models must be watertight and error free for the best results. Any problems with the meshes can lead to crashes or bad simulation results
This will generate set of files and folders in outdir with default settings.
The file urbafoam.toml contains the settings for the simulations. To change any of the defaults you can edit this file and rerun
urbafoam setup outdir
and it will regenerate the case base on the changes you've made. Your out directory will also contain a directory for each wind direction and a script RunAllCases runs the simulation for all the wind directions.
Before running RunAllCases it's a good idea to cd into one of the wind directions and run the RunMesh script, which loads and meshes the .stl file. If this runs without error you can use paraview to view the resulting mesh. If it looks good you can run RunAllCases to run the whole simulation
Once all the cases have run successfully you can run
urbafoam postprocess outdir
to postprocess the cases and get the wind speedup results as either cvs,shp or geojson